Chapter 73: Habitacion secreta

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When Luz went on the other side, she was met with a somewhat small space. It looked like some kind of crawl space that's usually seen by plumbers who do large tasks in managing large pipes in large buildings such as factories.

Looking around, there was nothing much to see other than another small lit lamp, a few books stacked up,  a laptop, and another passageway on the other end she faced.

Out of curiosity, she ventured further inside the small space but when she did go to the passageway she saw, somehow it looked as if the whole thing was trying to slowly crush her as the walls and the ceiling began to go smaller and smaller until it was just enough for her to crouch very low.

Damn, slowly having claustrophobia wasn't in her mind when she decided to go further.

Gulping, her heart raced over the discomfort she was having as she soon reached the other side. It felt like an hour but was only two minutes. Great.

Sighing in relief, she was now standing. No longer on her knees crouching but finally standing on her feet.

Feeling a little better about everything now, she smiled to herself before looking around her.

It was a library, but it wasn't as it was small, it seemed closer to being a reason area for a house. Looking around, all she could see on each side were shelves of books in different orders of the kind to one another.

Walking over to one, she took out a book to check it's title.

It was a book on how to learn how to defend one's self. Opening the book to its first lesson, it taught how to get hit without feeling pain.

Her eyes widened.

This was interesting and seemingly resourceful for her.

Look around more, there was no other way that someone else could've been here for many years, it was a hidden gem in the building.

Although it was dusty, it didn't seem that much of a deal for her to clean, I mean, how are you even going to clean the place if the way in and out was that claustrophobic tunnel back there.

Sighing, she brushed the thought aside and focused on the book in her hand.

Amity bever told her that there was a way not to get hurt when getting hit.

But before she could read on further over the introduction in the first parts of the lesson, her phone rang.

Grabbing it out of her pocket, it was Willow. It made her smile.

"Hey, Willow!" She smiled even when nobody was there to see it.

Chuckling a bit, she nodded before saying, "ok, I'll be there."

Hanging up after a farewell, she tucked the book back in its place before making her way back to the small passage she came from.


Willow chuckled nudging Amity.

"Took you long enough." Willow said.

Amity smirked at her before asking, "of course..."

"Now, why did you call me out here again?" She asked.

Willow huffed before saying, "I need to check up on something."

"Aren't you supposed to be still on vacation?" Amity wondered.

"I didn't go with my parents." Willow shrugged.

"How suspicious, you never decline such a family bonding experience with your parents." Amity hummed before asking, "let me take a guess... Is it because of Luzy?"

Willow shook her head.

"No, "she said.

Amity raised a brow.

"It's because I don't trust you." Willow continued.

Amity was brought into a for of laughter.

"Of course..." She said while rolling her eyes.

"You don't trust me..." She hummed while gently grabbing one of Willow's hands.

Willow sighed.

"But I trust you." Amity said before kissing Willow's wrist.

Willow huffed pulling her hand away.

"Stop that and no, you don't trust me at all too, Chase." She said before adding, "you're just toying with me."

Amity threw another fit of laughter.

"How can I not make fun of you? You don't seem like the type to move on that easily, it's still there... The guilt and hatred towards me, you still hate me over something I can't remember but you also still feel guilty over something you can't remember." She scoffed.

"That's enough, Luz will be here soon." Willow frowned.

Amity perked up.

"Luzy?" She asked.

Willow nodded before asking, "what? Don't want to see her?"

"Oh, no, it's not that, I and her got into another argument recently and she might not want to see me." Amity corrected.

"What..!?" Willow shot up.

"Yes, I told her how I wanted to date her while I and Zarola were still together at that time, she hit me hard in the face for i--"


"Are you mad..!??" Willow asked, shock and anger evident in her voice.

Amity raised a brow feeling over her cheek after that slap.

"I'm mad what? There's was no reason to lie to her about it." She said.

Willow huffed.

"You're not just a lunatic but a complete idiot, Chase!" She nagged.

"How would you feel if someone you just dated spoke about how they asked you out while in a relationship with someone else!? That would be outright calling on you to be the one being used to cheat on someone!" She continued.

Amity looked down.

"Was that why she was mad?" She asked pondering it over in her head.

Willow grunted at her.

"Listen, what you should do right now is apologize to Lee." She suggested.

"Hm... How so? She hit me and so did you." Amity snickered.

"That's because you deserve that!" Willow scoffed.

Amity leaned forward and gave only an inch gap between Willow and her.

"So you're saying even when I'm trying to be honest here you get to hit me because of it? Is being a liar better, Willow?" She asked.

Willow scowled at her, clicking her tongue, she shoved her back but not enough to make her fall back.

"Get your fucking shit together, you asshole." She said.

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