Chapter 83: No hay tíos aquí

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It was no mistake that recalling the memory back sent shivers up her spine.

Shivering a bit from her flashback, she cleared her throat and bought herself a snack before leaving to wait.

She wasn't sure why she agreed to meet her in this remotely dangerous place again.

Cops were never active here. None even seemed to want to pay attention too. You could say it's a safe zone for drugs and whatnot.

It wouldn't be a wonder if someone were to just visit here to kill someone over nothing and leave their body either mangled or disposed out of their greedy pleasure for an inhumane existence.

She sat there in wait for a bit more before she stared down at the ground.

"What's taking her so long..?" She mumbled under the impatient tapping of her heel.

After a few more hours, it was already six.

"Did she just make fun of me?" She pondered looking up at the dark sky.

Suddenly she heard a gunshot.

Someone shot her in the shoulder.

"Oww... Jesucristo, por qué...(Oww ... Jesus Christ, why...)" She grumbled when red began to slowly seep into her jacket.

Gulping, she healed herself and took a look at where the bullet came from.

She shot up when she saw those golden eyes coming from the dark shade under a surviving tree.

Springing up from the bench, she stared directly at the figure and smiled.

Amity might've come late but she probably had her excuses for it.

Luz ran up to her, smiled, and reached for her.

Amity chuckled tucking the gun away.

"So it is you, Luzy..." She hummed.

Luz nodded eagerly.

"I told you I'd prove it!!" She said.

She looked like a dog wagging their tail and proving they've been a good boy after you return from work.

Amity gave a fanged grin at her.

"But... You'll have to prove it to me." She said.

Luz was confused.

"Heh?" She chirped.

"What? The Luzy I know would never decline a date and besides, this is a tiny thing you can owe me for now, if you remember." Amity said.

Luz placed a hand on her chin before nodding.

"Yeah! I remember! The night at the amusement park and restaurant!" She said.

"Come on then and prove it." Amity laughed.

Luz was thrilled now. The excitement was now running through her veins over Amity's short use of words.


Luz was confused.

"W... Why do I have to be blindfolded again?" She asked.

Amity grinned at her as she held her hand firmly whilst leading her through the amusement park.

There were a lot of visitors. Luckily, this amusement park was still open.

Luz felt worried as she could hear and feel where everyone was and where she was. You could say her senses have grown real sharp. Sharper than a lion's even.

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