Chapter 76: ¿Semidioses?

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Amity smiled.

"So you're saying it's like a demigod in her just like mine?" She wondered.

Amel nodded meekly.

"Hm... You seem sad, was it because I killed him right before you could make it in time to save him? Your older brother?" Amity hummed.

Amel scowled at her.

"Fuck you! I'll fucking kill you! Fuck!!" He yelled before screaming out loud in anguish.

Amity only grinned at him, not a care for his cries as she sat on the chair rocking it back on forth slightly.

"I'll fucking kill you... You... You fucking monster." He cried out whimpering and sniffling.

Amity hummed before saying, "those were nice wishes but you should know by now that armageddon could start at any moment by now if you don't tell me how to stop it..."

After a while, Amel calmed down and finally gave in.

"You kill it along with its containment." He muttered.

Amity flinched with slightly widened eyes. Sighing, she asked, "that's it?"

"N... No," Amel muttered before continuing with, "well, there's another way too... But it would be a risk for a fucking way."

"Tell me." Amity huffed.




"Seriously, you old thing... I don't have time for you or anyone." Luz groaned in irritation right after she threw him aside.

Belos stood up, spitting a tooth out, he hissed snapping his dislocated bones back in their places.

"Sheesh... What a nuisance." Luz hummed, eyeing him directly before raising a hand.

With one snap of her fingers, a roar from the skies came, and without question did a hurricane suddenly drop.

"Nizo!!" Belos yelled.

Luz frowned upon him as the large windows beside them broke into bits with a loud crash when the wind swung their way.

Belos was brought stumbling sideways almost tripping over if he hadn't covered himself a bit.

Luz, however, didn't budge at all.

"You fiend... How dare you bring discord upon the overworld." Belos growled.

Luz felt surprised, chuckling darkly, she threw a fit of laughter holding her head a bit. After calming down, she gripped the bandages around her head and yanked them off.

"Those are nothing but meer compliments," she sighed before scoffing up, "and besides... Mammon, you might be powerful in wealth, but remember me for what my real name is, ok?"

Belos clicked his tongue.

"Damn you... We made a deal! And you'd use your mortal daughter for your benefit!?" He said.

Luz chuckled before saying, "oh, don't worry... By now a warning would be given out to evacuate every human being in this area, everything will be fine as long as everything goes well..."

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