Chapter 75: Caos inolvidable

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It was something inevitable.

It wouldn't matter since it was used in many forms of expression now, right?

"No, please... Please, let me go..."

Those desperate cries, those strong shouts were fuel in her brain.


His lips were bleeding, a few loose teeth were there now, his hands felt numb and the redness in his neck after almost choking to death made his cries loud.

"Please, I'm a healer! Hunters..! H.. Hunters aren't allowed to hurt them!"

"Healers... Hunters... What's the difference? Both are killable."

As soon as he cried louder, she didn't hesitate when she finished him off with a pen stuck inside his throat.

Well, no, she didn't really kill him quickly, more so, he paralyzed him in fear and pain over a pen slowly shoved into his mouth.

It was agony. But it was close to mercy for her.

"What the hell?"

Nothing was more appealing than having your next victim to be an adult.


Glancing to the open cafeteria door, her eyes landed on five adults.

Standing up, blood dripped from her bawled hands, red smeared half her whole face, her clothes were a red nightmarish mess, but nothing compared all those to the golden tint her eyes had.

"There's more..?" She mumbled while grabbing a towel from the side to wipe her hands clean.

Camila was speechless while covering her mouth with both trembling hands, she didn't want to believe it.

Even Bump, Edalyn, and Lilith didn't want to believe it too.

Belos scratched his chin, examining the massacre Luz had done.

'Well, she most definitely resembles her father more than just half her looks.' he thought before chaining it with, 'not only that but she also has the same habit as him... Becoming a pyscho whenever he'd get his head hit too hard.'

Smirking, he walked over the corpses around him just to make it over to Luz who sat on one of the tables that had yet been completely stained with murder everywhere in it.

"What do you want..?" Luz asked while cleaning one of her ears with her pinkie.

"I'd like to make a deal, something that'll benefit us both." Belos said.

Luz raised a brow.

"Continue." She said.

Belos's smirk began to get smug as he opened his mouth to speak only for Luz to raise a hand in front of his face.

Flicking off whatever she got out from her ear, she yanked Belos by his tie and leaned close to him.

"You remind me of someone..." She pondered.

Belos's eyes widen a bit. Trying to keep composure, he cleared his throat a bit before saying, "no, I think you got the wrong person."

"No, no... I think I do..." Luz tilted her head a bit, her eyes staring right through his lies as she raised her other hand and pinched his cheek before ripping.


A scream filled with pain ran inside the whole cafeteria as Luz held the flesh she pulled in one hand, blood dripped from it as Belos yanked his tie off of him to step back hissing.

Luz stared at the small chunk of flesh before laughing out loud.

"You're not human... Just like me... Are you using that body as a vessel too?" She wondered dropping the flesh to the ground.

Belos scowled at her.

"And here I thought you'd change..." He growled.

Luz laughed louder.

"Nizo, come back to me." Belos said while offering a hand with the other still covering his bleeding face.

Even though it was painful, he didn't want to show it.

Luz grimaced him with a wide sneer.

"You're pathetic." She said before suddenly getting grabbed by her jacket.

"What the hell do you think you're doing, kid!?" Eda yelled, the grip on Luz's jacket tightening hard enough for her hand to be stained in a bit of red.

Luz stared at her, unmoving before suddenly slapping her across her face.

Eda was shocked.

"Move," Luz said, "I don't have time for any of you..."

Eda was speechless.

"Edalyn!" Lilith rushed trying to grab Eda away.

There was no retort from her as Luz stared at them before deciding to walk out the door.


Suddenly, something felt heavy to make her stop, it was as if heavy metal had been tied around her feet.

"Hehh?" Glancing over her shoulder, Camila gave her a look of worry.

"What?" Luz asked.

Camila bawled her hands before saying, "Luz, si algo te molesta, puedes decirme ..."

Luz stared at her before turning back around and leaving.

"I don't even know what the hell you just said, lady." She muttered thereafter.


"Where the hell are we?" Willow asked while trailing behind Amity.

They took more than three buses by now and the rest was left on walking.

They reached an abandoned area, and as she had remembered it, the broken windows were there and bits and pieces of some walls were laying everywhere.

"Amity..." Willow called as they walked upstairs.

Amity didn't pause for a second to even reply to her as she walked through a hallway before turning a corner.

Willow flinched staring at the man tied and gagged to a chair, completely restrained from escape or call for help.

"What..?" She muttered as she watched Amity walk over and hit its face.


"Hey, wake up." Amity called.

There was a moment of silence before Amity drew out a knife and stabbed him in his leg.

It didn't take too long for him to jump to scream in muffled pain.

His crying was nothing but whimpers as Amity took her hold off of the knife, letting it weigh itself on the leg.

"Hey, over here." She said snapping her fingers in front of him to make him glance in her direction.

It took him a while to concentrate to look over the fuzziness but as soon as he got a better view, he furrowed his brows and began squirming trying to reach her.

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