Chapter 33: Emergencia

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Edric grumbled a bit as he sat in the dining area watching his twin prepare lunch.

"Hey, Holter," he began.

Emira tilted her head a bit.

"Should we just call Lee a cab instead? She'll have a good advantage to get far away." Edric suggested.

"Apsat, not a single cab will ever stop in front of Hexside for ten miles away. Even if we call one to Hexside, they'll decline it." Emira said before putting the knife aside.

Edric sighed.

That did not help him at all.

"Well, we really can't just let Lee off on her own easily too..." He pondered as he tried to think of a better way.

Emira shrugged as she turned the stove on.

"It's not like we can just tell Chase right now, Apsat." She said before continuing with, "also, both Lee and Chase needs a bath, they reek of blood."


Luz sighed as she stared up at the ceiling, hands around Amity who was sleeping on her.

'How did I get myself into this situation?' she wondered before looking around her, looking down, she stared at Amity's face.

She snickered a bit, Amity looked very defenseless at the moment but she knew if she did something she won't like, she'll be losing not pride but a joint.

Humming, she reached a hand and caressed Amity's face. Cupping it lightly before lowering her hand back down.

"Why are you evil but so damn cute..." She mumbled to herself as she covered her eyes with one hand when she felt the heat on her cheeks.

Suddenly, she heard someone clearing their throat out loud.

Opening her eyes to look, it was Edric.

"Hey," Edric said before continuing with, "Holter says you should leave and run away as far as possible soon."

Luz stared at her.

"Oh, uhh... Yeah! I... I'll get on with that--uhm..." She stammered as she looked back down on Amity's face.

She blushed trying to comprehend what she should do.

"Oh, r... Right..." Edric chirped as he reached forward to grab Amity.

Without warning did Amity suddenly slap his hand away.

Luz and Edric were taken by surprise as Amity suddenly sat up rubbing an eye awake while yawning.

"Huh... So... You were awake this whole time?" Luz pondered meekly.

Amity sat upright on the couch, dozing off ever so slightly as Edric and Luz stared at her without a word.

Emira frowned before clearing her throat while leaning by the archway.

"Oh, yeah! Uhh, you can use the bathroom to wash up, Luz. I'll grab you a towel and Amity can give you fresh clothes to wear." Edric said.


"Chase, no..." Emira said as she pulled the knife out of Amity's hold.

Amity huffed and opened the fridge, grabbing a can and opening it.

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