Chapter 40: Cazador

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Amity stared at Luz for a while before she saw a flicker of movement on an eye.

She grinned.

"Finally awake, Luzy?" She asked.

There was a moment of silence as Luz tried to gain consciousness back after exhausting herself from trying to swim to a shore from the strong current of water she was shoved into.

"A... Amity..?" She muttered as she tried to sit up, the jacket immediately falling slightly.

Amity rolled her eyes and pulled the jacket over Luz.

"You almost drowned, right?" She wondered as she pulled Luz a tad closer to the fire.

Luz gulped when she looked at the dark water.

"Yeah... I did." She muttered.

Amity smiled.

"Careful, Willow got very worried for you that she was in a hurry trying to cool you down when you suddenly got a fever, but it would also seem that you have a very lovely immune system to get yourself back up again." She pondered as she checked Luz's temperature.

It was a tad lower now. Better than last time where it kept getting higher over the second that lasted.

Luz sighed and held herself close.

"Tell me... What happens if I do survive..?" She muttered, her throat feeling a bit dry as she shifted her gaze away from Amity.

Amity hummed.

"You earn the money you win out of it, the healers and assistants will get large payment bonuses and... Every hunter that failed to kill you will be terminated." She shrugged.

"What!?" Luz shot up.

"You heard me once... All the healers and assistants get large payment bonuses and every hunter that failed to kill you in this public round of yours will be terminated along with me..." Amity said.

Luz was baffled.

That was not something she wanted to have at all. No, she'll be killing more people winning the damned prize.

"Amity..." She mumbled.

Amity tilted her head for a moment while staring at the water before glancing over to Luz with a smile. Only to find herself slowly frowning when Luz had put the jacket on and held a butterfly knife in front of her.

"I want you to kill me." She said.

Amity's eyes slowly widened as realization finally set in.

Frozen in spot for a mere second, she sniggered before saying, "it's not needed, Luzy."

"Yes, it is!! You'll die, Amity!" Luz yelled.

Amity shrugged.

"I have nothing to live for..." She sighed.

Luz clicked her tongue before she pulled Amity's hands and made her hold the handle. Aiming the sharp end to her chest, she eyed Amity up close.

"I... I need it, Amity..." She muttered.

Amity stared at her, almost speechless with a hanging jaw even.

"No." She declined.

Luz frowned.

"Amity, please..! I... I don't want you to die!" She stammered.

Amity sighed and glanced off to the water, her hold on the handle loose as the only thing keeping it in place was Luz's hands on her's.

"Why?" She asked.

"Amity, I like you... And I don't want you to die because of me!!" Luz reasoned.

"Luz, you have a boyfriend." Amity said.

"He left me." Luz blurted.

Amity did not expect that. Grinning, she held the handle making Luz take her hands away.

"You're saying, you're boyfriend broke up with you and yet... Somehow... You still have feelings for him..." Amity pondered as she rubbed a thumb on the blade.

It wasn't as closely sharp as the knives her father would give her but it was sharp enough to graze a layer of skin.

Luz sighed and clutched her knees tightly.

"Are you saying... You... You're saying." She mumbled without connection with her own words.

Amity snickered as she flipped the knife around in one hand before flipping it over to hide the blade away.

"Why are you so worried over me dying here, Luzy? I kissed you on purpose to see how your boyfriend would react... I never even anticipated him to be in this part of the city even." She said.

Luz stared at her with a serious look, and yet, she couldn't help but show despair in her eyes.

"I love you." She blurted.

Amity was brought into a fit of laughter when Luz said that.

"Man... You're pretty insane, Luzy. I've always known you as someone who didn't mind having a girlfriend or a boyfriend but you just sound so... Desperate, I'm not even sure I want to kill you this fast yet." She said, chuckling a bit as she caressed the knife in one hand before tossing it into the water.

It caught Luz a little shocked and off guard when Amity did that.

"Why did you do that!?!?" She yelled before choking on her breath when she felt pain in her chest.


Wincing, her head weighed heavy as she clutched her chest in pain.

Amity grinned.

"Are you ok?" She asked.

Luz clicked her tongue as she wiped the sudden sweat that slipped from her neck.

If it was from how close she was to the fire, she would be very glad she wasn't sweating over the pain that suddenly shot her everywhere.

"Amity, please... Just... Kill me, I... I don't want to kill people..." Luz muttered, before suddenly and sniffling without her knowing.

Amity scoffed.

"Aw... Luzy, if you didn't want to be titled a murderer who caused a massacre using a butterfly effect, you could've just said so..." She cooed.

Luz continued to flinch and growl over the pain that kept hitting her.

"There is a way for you to... Not kill anybody that's for sure..." Amity hummed.

"W... What is it..?" Luz asked.

Amity was having way too much fun. It was already an overdose for her.


"Yeah, that's about it, dad." Willow said as she began making her way back down the stairs.

She chuckled a bit when one of her parents snickered a joke to her through the call.

"Ok, I need to say goodbye now." She said before bidding farewell as she stopped at the last case.

"Become a hunter."

Her smile suddenly became a frown when she heard Amity.

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