Chapter 56: Reunión oscura

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Viney stared down at Luz with Jerbo crouching and examining her face.

Luz stood there frozen, not understanding what she should do as Amity left for the bathroom, leaving her with Amity's older siblings and two other people.

"Jerbo, tu ne penses pas que son visage est un peu indemne?(Jerbo, don't you think her face is a bit unscathed?)" Viney said when she placed a hand on her chin.

Jerbo shrugged and said, "Tu es sûr? Son nez a cependant une légère cicatrice, juste invisible pour toi.(Are you sure? Her nose has a slight scar, however, just invisible to you.)"

Luz blinked in confusion.

'What are they talking about..?' she wondered before flinching when Jerbo suddenly placed a finger on the bridge of her nose.

Keeping herself still, she raised a brow as Viney reached over and suddenly gave her face a healing spell.


Jolting up in surprise, she stepped back and felt around her face in confusion.

"Calm down, I just gave you a healing spell because a scar might leave on your face if you leave it like that." Viney said.

Jerbo huffed before raising a brow.

"You smell odd, Lee." He said.

Luz blinked and asked, "odd what??"

"You smell a little sweet but also a little dangerous, you put on some kind of perfume, right?" Jerbo said.

Luz huffed and took a sniff on her jacket. Her eyes widened as she flushed slightly.

'It's Amity's scent...' she thought before saying, "hm, no I didn't put on any perfume and... It's sweet."

Jerbo nodded.

"Yeah, you smell sweet but I'm pretty sure you've been wearing that jacket since yesterday due to the small stain on the side." He said.

Luz glanced over to see a small stain, she hadn't realized her jacket was dirty. Must've been when Leur shoved dragging him to a table that had food placed in it.

Frowning, she grumbled a bit before perking up when Amity patted her by the shoulder.

"Are you ok, Luzy?" She asked.

Luz meekly smiled nodding.

"Well, let's go find my older siblings then..." Amity huffed and grabbed Luz's hand.

Viney and Jerbo followed alongside them.

"Depuis combien de temps sortez-vous tous les deux, Amity?(How long have you two been dating, Amity?)" Viney asked.

Amity hummed before saying, "juste cet après-midi.(just this afternoon.)"

"Vraiment? C'est joli…? Sucré?(Really? That's pretty…? Sweet?)" Jerbo said.

Luz walked alongside Amity, confused yet curious as she wanted to know what they were all talking about. Oh.

"Pas vraiment, je viens juste de sortir son cul d'une bagarre d'un jardin d'enfants, donc c'est une possibilité proche du doux amer à la place.(Not really, I just got her ass out of a kindergarten fight, so it's a near bittersweet possibility instead.)" Amity said.

Jerbo and Viney laughed.

"C'est doux-amer alors, tout comme le mien avec Holter.(It's bittersweet then, just like mine with Holter.)" Viney said.

"Meh, Emira a déjà eu ses yeux pour toi quand elle t'a vu devenir un chasseur valide avant de devoir se changer en guérisseur après un certain temps dans le travail.(Meh, Emira once had her eyes for you when she saw you become an able-bodied hunter before you had to change into a healer after some time in labor.)" Amity said.

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