Chapter 45: Catástrofe

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Emira crossed her arms but kept her eyes on Luz who was wearing a meek smile.

"I don't... Really know much about how hunters work yet..?" Luz muttered.

Emira rolled her eyes before saying, "well, of course, you don't, Lee... You're new with all this hunter stuff right now and probably still worrying for your mom."

Luz felt something hit her.

That's right, her mom. Her only close family parent had slipped her mind completely after all the things that had happened for the past hour now.

"Mi mamá..? Como podría olvidarlo..!? ¡Soy tan estúpido!(My mom..? How could I forget it..!? I'm so stupid!)" She began talking to herself, making Emira curious over the language she was using.

"Urgh ... Joder, joder, joder ...(Urgh... fuck, fuck, fuck...)" Luz growled, hitting her face with an open palm before flinching, jumping even when Emira poked her by the cheek.

"What does Joder mean..?" Emira asked.

Luz stared with wide eyes towards her.

"Eh..?" She chirped before continuing with, "J... Joder..?"

Emira nodded.

Luz felt a trickle of sweat behind her neck.

'Crap... I was swearing right in front of her... And depending on how she is to Amity, she'll probably want to kill me.' she thought before saying, "it's a swear word... In... Spanish."

Emira huffed.

"I never thought you were the type to swear..." She mumbled while placing a hand on her chin, she took a step forward and leaned close to Luz's face.

Luz was flustered as her face went red staring back at Emira who was examining her expression.

"I guess cute looks aren't all with purity... They do still swear don't they..?" Emira mumbled before feeling a hand on her chin.


Amity wore a wide smile as she kept a firm hold on Emira's ear.

"Having fun?" Amity chirped.

Emira chuckled before saying, "perhaps I am..?"

Luz was sweating a bit when her eyes met with Amity's, she yanked her gaze away in the situation almost instantly.

Amity snickered before immediately slamming Emira's head on the wall with a thud.

Emira laughed it off.

"Ok... Never examining Lee's expression up close ever again." She wheezed while holding her aching head.

"What was that loud thud?" Edric asked while peeking over.

Emira raised a weak hand and waved a bit.

"Oh, it was just you..." Edric chirped before going back to the sink.

Luz's eyes were wide in shock per usual over everything Amity does. She shouldn't even be this surprised anymore and yet, here she was being surprised over it. Luckily, she still wasn't scared.

"Hey, Luzy... Where are you gonna go though?" Amity hummed.

"Oh, I was... Gonna go now?? Well, there's not much for me to do here anymore y'now." Luz said.

"What do you mean..? Your old home is a crime scene now." Emira groaned while checking her hand.

Her head was bleeding.

"¿¡Qué!?(What!?)" Luz shot up.

Emira shrugged as she grabbed a first aid kit from under the coffee table.

"Luckily every room in every apartment is soundproof when the door is closed. So, I think it's best you tell her now, Chase." She said while taking out alcohol from the small box.

Amity glanced over to Luz before saying, "you killed a failed senior hunter, uhm... The one who uses a large axe. It was all over the news and it was called in as breaking and entering, the senior's splattered blood on the wall close to the open front door was a big alarm to the whole neighborhood when they walked over to your house to check on you. So, long story short when you disappeared from the scene it was dubbed break-in and entering but also somehow homicide, so you're probably either turned in as a suspect or a victim of the situation."

Luz stared at her, processing everything that was said.

"Ok, maybe... I... Don't have anywhere else to go... Anymore..."

She sighed, a little sad she felt over it.

'Mi único hogar se ha ido ahora, necesito otro lugar donde quedarme ahora, ¿eh?(My only home is gone now, I need somewhere else to stay now, huh?)' she thought before perking up when she felt pressure on her temple.

Blinking a few times, she stared at Amity who had a finger pointed to her head. She was confused.

'¿¡Está amenazando con ponerme una bala en la cabeza!?(Are you threatening to put a bullet in my head!?)' She thought before asking, "w... What are you doing..?"

Amity smiled before saying, "you were spacing out... Like a lot..."

Luz meekly laughed and scratched the back of her neck.

"Oh... Uhm... Lo siento por eso...(Oh... Uhm... Sorry about that...)" She muttered.

Amity put her hand back down before saying, "well, where are you headed to now?"

Luz thought about it for a moment before saying, "I don't have anywhere else to go anymore... And... Going to my boyfriend's place, wait... No, ex boyfriend's place would be a bad choice, and going to any of my relatives would be worse since you said my house was on the news over homicide."

Amity stared quietly before crossing her arms and saying, "then stay here,"

Luz tilted her head a bit without realizing it.

"With me." Amity finished.

Luz shot up.

"What!? Oh, no, no, no, no!" She stammered.

"Why not?" Amity cooed.

Luz flushed red.

"Well..." She began before muttering down, "Sería ... bastante vergonzoso, considerando que ya me dejaste reunirme contigo y tu familia para cenar ...(It would be... Pretty embarrassing, considering you let me join you and your family for dinner already...)"

Amity raised a brow.

"What..?" She asked.

Luz shot up when she realized she spoke in Spanish.

"Uhh! I... I mean! It's just that... What I meant to say is..! It would be..." She was stammering a lot for a small answer.

Amity stared at her stammer, she was finding this way too amusing to even bother now, but... She can't be that harsh now.

Reaching a hand forward, Luz immediately steps backward without hesitation.

"Luz, what are you trying to say?" Amity asked, holding a snicker under her tongue when she had pinned Luz to a corner by the front door.

Luz stared at Amity before going completely red when her eyes averted downward.

"I feel way too embarrassed to ask to stay here for the night or even any other day... I mean... Your parents sound chill and all but they look strict." She said while fiddling with her hands.

'Even though I did understand her Spanish she still spoke it in English.' Amity smiled.

"Oh, Luzy..." She sighed.

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