Chapter 15: La amenaza

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Luz climbed up the backyard wall with Boscha's help as Skara and Willow came after while a loud crash sounded from inside the house.


The chippering birds sat by the balcony as Amity laid in her bed reaching for nothing in front of her.


Edric came knocking and calling out to her.

Without a glance to look at the locked door, she tiredly blinked as she glanced opposite and gazed towards the open balcony door.

"I hate birds..." She muttered as she slowly stood up from her bed.


"Chase??" Edric called out again.

Raising a brow, he huffed before knocking again with Emira came walking over still brushing their teeth.

"What's up?" She asked.

Edric shrugged before saying, "I dunno, Chase isn't responding."

"Then she's probably still asleep." Emira said.

"Are you kidding?? Five in the morning is supposed to be 'late' for her. It might still be a bit dark outside but she always tells me she woke up late when she wakes up at five." Edric said as he showed his watch.

"Don't overwork yourself now." Emira chuckled.

"What?? Why?" Edric tilted his head in confusion.

"Apsat, our prey chose a week, that's why it's not something to overwork with. Chase has worked multiple private rounds, all being one day. She doesn't rest until she's killed them, no matter where they are." Emira said before Amity's bedroom door opened.

Both twins glanced over to perk up at the blood in Amity's hands and face.

Somehow, her shirt didn't get tainted by blood.

"What the hell?" Edric muttered in surprise as he stepped back.

Amity yawned before asking, "what time is it?"

"Uhh... F... Five and a half??" Edric said as he tried to comprehend what Amity had done to get blood on her.

Amity huffed.

"It's late." She said as she made her way to the bathroom.

Emira stared, her toothbrush unmoving in her mouth as Edric squinted his eyes to look inside Amity's room.

"Ok, there's... Five dead birds inside her room." He muttered out.

"Holter, what the hell is this on the bathroom floor??" Amity called out from the bathroom.

Emira huffed before handing Edric a towel and a bloodstain remover while saying, "clean it, and make sure you get rid of those small corpses without anyone finding out."

"What!? Why me??" Edric stammered as he grabbed the towel and bottle.

"Because Chase needs me at the moment and she can't be left unsupervised when she sees something that's out of place." Emira said, rolling her eyes before she hurried herself to the bathroom when Amity called out to her again.

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