Chapter 67: Posesivo

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Luz nodded.

Willow sighed again but much deeper this time.

"Indeed, I and Amity were once buddies, but when our age got close to ten years old in the business, she got more aggressive around me." She said.

Luz frowned.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Luz, when I turned ten but was still taking lessons as a hunter at that time, I was a social freak. It didn't matter whether I conversed with a teacher or another person in learning, but once Amity takes sight of me doing so, she loses it and assaults anyone she catches reaching over to me." Willow said before continuing with, "and now and then that I just talk for a bit with anyone, if they tried to reach over, she gets mad. I've already warned everyone about it since I worried about Amity's aggressive behavior, but it only got worse when I warned them."

Luz shifted her gaze towards the closed door.

"What I'm trying to say here a bit, Luz, is that even if she ever did apologize. That's not real, she can be possessive, even if it means lying." Willow said.

"No! She's just misunderstood!" Luz blurted.

"No, she isn't." Willow scoffed.

"Yes, she is! She's not that aggressive! She knows how to hold back even when she gets mad! She knows how to control her temper around everyone!" Luz blurted.

"Oh, yeah? Did she say something along the lines of, 'I feel guilty'?" Willow countered.

Luz froze in her spot. She did say that.

"Y... Yeah, she did..." She mumbled.

"Well," Willow huffed, glancing over to the door, she said, "that's one big fucking lie she likes to use a lot even to her own family."

Luz's eyes widened a bit. Lies? Lies??

Everything was a lie??

"No, some of it had to be true, right?" She muttered.

Willow stared at her, dumbfounded she felt, worried she looked.

"Luz..." She mumbled.

"What!?? You can't just judge Amity like that even if you two knew each other well!!" Luz yelled.

"I'm telling you all of these so you can keep your guard up around her!" Willow yelled back.

Luz flinched when they both raised voices at each other.

"Raise my guard around her for what??" She scoffed before raising her hands to stop Willow from answering as she continued with, "oh, is it because of how violent she can get? Maybe if I'm not too careful, she'll hit me? I might accidentally get her to snap at me??"

Willow frowned and lowered her gaze.

"Maybe." She sighed.

Luz fell silent and glanced away.

"Is that how your's went with her??" She asked.

Willow hummed before again, "no... I exchanged into a healer by then because hunters weren't allowed to hurt healers, and the healers weren't allowed to hurt anybody because their only role in the game is to heal not hurt."

"You didn't just choose to become a healer because you couldn't hurt a fly but because you thought it would stop Amity from hurting everyone in the business, am I right?" Luz huffed.

Willow nodded.

"Even if some are jerks, they don't deserve her beating that quickly y'now." She shrugged.

Luz hummed.

"Well, thanks for telling me all of that but I trust Amity. Even if it means getting yelled at some point on the way." She said.

Willow stared at her before saying, "ok... But if she does try anything to hurt you, tell me."

Luz laughed in melancholy.

"Why should I? She's already hurt me more than once, I'm used to it and besides, she never means any of them. Even if she goes overboard in it, she always ends up apologizing even when I don't ask for one." She laughed.

Her joke was out of line.

Willow stared at her with a serious dead look.

"She's already what..?" He muttered.

Luz chuckled and said, "I'm just joking, Wil, she did--!?!"

Willow had already run out of the room with Luz in a panic to hurry for her.

"You, me, outside, the park, talk!" Willow said after grabbing Amity by her collar before leaving with a slam on the door.

Amity smiled laying back down on the couch as Luz rushed over to her.

"Are you ok!? She didn't hit you right!? I'm sorry! I made a joke and I think she took it too seriously! I'm sorry!--ah--..!?" Luz stammered.

Amity patted her head, making her pause on her words.

"I know..." She said.

Luz blinked a few times.

"I heard everything." Amity shrugged.

Luz shot up.

"H... How..?" She muttered.

Amity chuckled before saying, "Luzy, didn't I tell you, every room is soundproof but if the door is in the slightest ajar open, the soundproof barrier on the room won't work correctly."

Luz stared at her while still on her knees before suddenly bursting into tears and digging her face into Amity.

Amity hummed.

'Such a crybaby...' she thought before saying, "you cry a lot nowadays, is it because you don't need to fear me wanting to hurt you because you were a prey before?"

Luz sniffled, crying louder in her arms before stuttering out, "¡Eres un dolor en el trasero para ser un idiota, Amity!"

Amity snickered, stifling herself from laughing as she stayed still.

"Yeah, yeah... I'm a prick, alright... Now, I need to clear up a few things with Will, she... Thought about everything I did wrong years ago." She sighed.

Luz wiped her tears with her hands, letting Amity leave as she tried to get a grip on herself.


"Took you long enough."

Amity shrugged as she sat down on the bench with Willow, a big distance was between them for a start.

"How did you do it?" Willow began.

Amity hummed before asking, "how I did what..?"

Willow clicked her tongue.

"You somehow gained Lee's trust like she's a dog in training under the military." She said.

Amity laid back and thought it over.

"She's pretty weak for someone like her, I guess it was love at first sight." She scoffed.

"Don't fucking avoid the question, Amity..." Wilow growled.

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