What Had Happened?

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Christmas Day;

Changbin was indulging in what seemed to be the most serene slumber he had ever experienced. The keyword here was "was."

All semblance of tranquility shattered when three exuberant boys barged into his and Felix's chamber, leaping onto his bed with cries of 'It's Christmas!!' It took an extraordinary effort for him not to unleash a torrent of barks and screams, especially given that today held particular significance for him.

The rest of the group was returning, and Changbin, still clad in pajamas like the others, descended the stairs to the living room. There, neatly wrapped presents awaited their eager recipients.

The trio of youngsters bounced with anticipation, twirling around the main door, eagerly awaiting Miss Peregrine's arrival along with their most cherished individuals. Changbin, standing in the living room, couldn't help but wear an enormous smile as he envisioned Felix's reaction after being separated for so long.

A thunderous engine roar captured their attention. Unwilling to wait any longer, everyone rushed out of the house, with Changbin following suit, radiating the same level of enthusiasm.

"CHAN, HYUNJIN, MINHO!!..." They enveloped the three returning males in a massive bear hug before releasing them with a quizzical look. Surveying the group, they noticed the absence of a few crucial figures.

"Where's Felix?..." Changbin felt his voice almost cracking, his anxiety escalating when he failed to locate his soulmate. As none of the three males responded to his inquiry, Suengmin was the first to address the unspoken question, "...Y/n is not here either... W-Where is she?"

"Hey, hey, don't worry. We're here, just dealing with a bit of motion sickness," Felix's deep and caring voice reassured them, prompting them to look up at him. A gasp escaped their lips as they beheld his condition — a beaten, red-blue eye and lips that cracked as Felix attempted to smile.

Casually, their eyes shifted to Chan, Hyunjin, and Minho, who tried to conceal their injuries by turning their heads or bodies. However, upon closer inspection, their appearances were far from splendid. Hyunjin limped, his broken ankle evident, with blue bruises clearly visible on his arms, exposed by a short-sleeve shirt. Minho sported a busted lip, and upon closer inspection, traces of dried blood adorned the side of his temple, with something burnt peeking from his back.

Chan, relatively cleaner than the others, still bore the unmistakable signs of fatigue, evident in the eye bags and the lack of energy in his smile. Unlike his usual strong front, Chan seemed on the brink of collapse, ready to be done with everything.

"... The competition," Jisung voiced his concern, realizing that the only explanation for their state was the game or some form of abuse. He doubted Arthur and James would inflict harm under Miss Peregrine's watch.

His confusion deepened when the competition arrived earlier than expected. "What exactly happens in there?"

Miss Peregrine tactfully sidestepped Jisung's interrogation, urging the children to help bring in the gifts and prepare hot cocoa. Once the tasks were complete, everyone would gather by the fireplace. Acting swiftly, she directed Chan to take Y/n upstairs and clean her up a bit.

Chan, without hesitation, scooped Y/n into his arms, shielding her face against his chest, making it challenging for the others to assess her well-being. Suengmin and Jisung attempted to intervene, but Chan's reflexes were faster, and judging by Y/n's whimper of pain, she must not be in good condition.

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