Panic & Killed

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Minho, shifting back to his human form, positioned himself as a protective barrier between me and the boys, led by someone named Van. "Let's not fight, Van. She's new here and lacks the rules around here. Let's just put this shit behind us, and you can continue playing with your toy."

Shocked by Minho's intervention, I couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude and awe for my friend. Despite the tension in the air, I decided to assert myself, pushing Minho aside. I could sense his internal struggle, recognizing the perilous line he was treading to keep me safe.

"Y-Yeah, I lack the rules, but I can clearly see you're the alpha around here." Surveying the surroundings, I noted the uneasy glances exchanged by the other inmates, a testament to Van's dominance. "Then why are you challenging me, bitch?" The sting of the curse words was undeniable, but when I met eyes with the seemingly fragile boy, my resolve solidified.

"Because I'm not an idiot to disregard someone who needs help s-so, I'll repeat again. Let go of the boy, you're hurting him!"

Van scoffed but surprisingly turned to his lackeys, giving a signal that prompted the release of the kid. Hope surged within Minho and me, only to be dashed as the boy began to float higher, his screams piercing the air. Pinned down, I felt a sense of helplessness, unnoticed by Minho, who was now a magpie, engrossed in rescuing the boy.

"You sure got an extremely rude tongue there, and I'm hungry. They don't serve raw meat here. Guess you have to be my first, in a long time." Van's ominous words sent shivers down my spine as his mouth grotesquely opened, revealing an array of razor-sharp teeth.

"SHIT!! Y/N!!!" Minho's muffled voice reached me, ensnared by a piece of fabric from the boy's clothes that clung to him in his fear of heights. Despite the irony in his powers, the situation was far from humorous. Just as Van poised to strike me, panic seized me, and instinct took over.

I grasped Van's head, avoiding his menacing teeth, and forced him to make eye contact. An electric sensation surged through me. "...Eat your own fellows."

In that chilling moment, everyone bore witness to my power as Van, compelled by an unseen force, began to bite and consume every piece of his friend. The floor was soon awash with blood, drowning out the horrified screams.

Before Minho could reach me with the new kid, a guard swiftly intervened, securing me in a harness and blindfold before escorting me away.

It seemed I was destined for extra days in the torture room, the price to pay for unveiling the true extent of my powers in a desperate bid for survival. The air hung heavy with the consequences of that fateful moment, and the unsettling journey into the unknown continued within the unforgiving walls of the prison.

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