Shape Shifter

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Locked away in solitude for an entire week, I faced relentless scrutiny as they probed the depths of my powers, searching for weaknesses and limits. Unyielding, I emerged unscathed, leaving them no choice but to concede and send me into the formidable embrace of the real prison.

On the first day, my reputation swelled as I unintentionally became the harbinger of demise for someone who had inspired fear in many. Despite the newfound notoriety, a faction of inmates continued to belittle and mock me. Stoically, I brushed off their taunts, having grown accustomed to such treatment in my brief stint within these unforgiving walls.

Five days into my incarceration, a sliver of companionship emerged in the form of Lee Minho, a fellow inmate who swiftly became more than a friend—a brother. Minho, older and worldly-wise, materialized unexpectedly in the cafeteria, a cigarette dangling unlit from his mouth.

"Hey brat, you're a huge deal here. Can't say if it's good or bad," he remarked, his gaze assessing me. Despite the judgment in his eyes, I responded with my sweetest smile, recognizing that Minho saw beyond the superficial façade, perceiving an innocent soul grappling with the consequences of circumstances.

Minho, extending a lifeline of camaraderie, offered guidance. "Here's a suggestion for you. The guards leave around midnight. Your cell isn't actually locked at night; they hope for us to perish in this hell hole. Meet me at the cafeteria door at 11:30. There's a door over there—go through it. Behind some huge boxes, there's a hole in the wall. I'll meet you there tonight."

And just like that, Minho left, leaving me to contemplate the unexpected turn of events.

When the clock struck 11:30, I followed Minho's instructions, craving the companionship that had been so elusive. Crawling through the hole in the wall, I found myself in the prison's backyard, surrounded by fences. The revelation of a nearby lake, a tranquil oasis amidst the chaos, captivated my senses.

Lost in the beauty of the scenery, I failed to notice a guard dog approaching until it stepped on a branch. Panic set in, questioning the trust I had placed in Minho. The dog, however, turned and spoke, revealing Minho's unique ability as a shapeshifter. Relief washed over me as I realized we were free from the watchful eyes of the guards.

Minho, the first person since my father's departure to bring genuine joy to my heart, revealed his plan to escape from this hell. Excitement surged through me as I proclaimed my intent to follow him, sparking genuine laughter from Minho.

"...T-Then I'll follow you and help you through that journey!" I declared.

Stunned by my unexpected pledge, Minho met my gaze, finding amusement in the glow of my red eyes in the dark. The revelation of his escape plan prompted me to make a heartfelt proposition. "Lee Minho, let's oath to never leave each other's side. Be there for each other through ups and downs until the end of our path."

That night marked the inception of a solemn blood oath between Minho and me—an alliance forged in the crucible of adversity, a promise I never regretted.

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