A Little Romance

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Chan awaited my arrival, and upon catching a whiff of his familiar scent, my guard slipped, causing me to collapse onto him. With ease, he lifted me in a bridal style—an ability I hadn't utilized until now, a testament to the progress in my training. Mastering control and halting my abilities at will demanded considerable effort.

Stepping into the cage with me cradled in his arms, Chan cast a stern gaze at the worn-out and battered trio of Hyunjin, Felix, and Minho, beckoning them to rise. "Well, get up. We don't have all day. We've got an hour of relaxation and tending to those injuries."

As the children made their way to the front, Chan assumed a leading role, flanked by Hyunjin and Felix, who aided Minho in standing. The ongoing fights unfolded, while the five of us settled at a corner in the courtyard. Two doctors attended to the injured trio, and I remained in Chan's lap, my back against his chest as he sat on the ground.

His hand rested on my tummy, gently rubbing it as I hummed, observing the children's interactions. "You aren't angry, are you?" I inquired. "On which part? You killing people or flirting with that boy," he responded his fingers gently wrapping around my neck.

Lifting my hands to encircle his neck, I felt his nose nuzzling my skin, savoring my scent. "Both? But now I'm more curious about the last one," I teased, sensing his fang lightly grazing my neckline.

His finger directed my chin to face him abruptly, his eyes ablaze with rage, his forehead furrowed as he recalled the scene. An eager desire to stir up a hint of his jealousy surged within me. With my best innocent look, I said, "B-But that's how I dominate my powers."

Although not entirely accurate, I watched his eyes ignite with flames at my words. "Then you're not using it until it's necessary, got it?" he declared sternly, assigning a task that left me both irritated and secretly pleased, as I never desired to wield my powers in the first place.

Before I could protest, Chan silenced me with a synchronous kiss, electrifying and passionate. Our bodies pressed together, the warmth of his lips against mine creating an intimate connection. Ten minutes passed in a full make-out session, only interrupted when Minho intervened by tossing an ointment bottle at Chan's head.

"Dude, get your stinky butt face off my sister," Minho exclaimed, prompting Chan to almost bite down on my lips. A giggle escaped me as Chan retaliated by tossing the bottle back, hitting Minho square between the eyes.

Heeding Minho's plea, I stood up, sensing Chan's suppressed growl, and decided to check on Felix, who had suffered a 2-degree burn from the girl's fire. "Changbin is going to kill us when he sees that," Hyunjin remarked, eyeing the red arm, eliciting chuckles from Felix and me.

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