Emotion Rollercoaster

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Everyone turned to look back at you and Jisung when it was Hyunjin who popped out the question. Jisung and I shared a smile and a giggle, "I met Jisung months after. I told Minho that we should help the new kid, but he refused to."

"Of course, he did," Jisung rolled his eyes, disappointed but not surprised. This made Minho wear an offended look as he tried to defend himself. No one believed him as everyone playfully made a disappointing look at him.

Slightly chuckling at the sight, I cut them off, "Long story short, he was in trouble, and Minho quickly helped him, leaving me alone with a bunch of males. They went to attack, so my instinct took over, and I ended up compelling a killing spree in front of everyone, even Jisung... That's got to be the worst first impression ever."

"Honestly, I was frightened of you, not going to lie. If it wasn't for Minho talking to me, I would have left you. I'm sorry," Jisung had a guilty look on his face, refusing to look at anyone. This was new information to me, but I wasn't surprised, "Don't be. I had mentally prepared myself for it. I'm glad you didn't; I even cried, remember."

Jisung held in his tears as he nodded and chuckled at the memories we had; it was such a wholesome memory for us three. That's when we were complete.

I clicked as I remembered something, wanting to light up the mood with something humorous, "Do you remember how we caused the kitchen to catch on fire? We thought it would be great to cook something edible for once, and Minho blurted at us, saying how ridiculous we were, so he set his bed on fire?"

"It was you guys!!"

Jisung and I were now laughing.

Jisung quickly added more to the stories, "Don't forget about the time Minho got mad at a 7-year-old because of a knife! But got into a bigger situation when he found out that she had telekinesis, so we tried to save his ass, but instead, all three of us ended up running away with her throwing random things at us in the courtyard."

"Hey!! For your information, that knife was taken as a trophy. It's very important to me!"

Jisung was rambling about past memories, most of which we had to save Minho from, with Minho nagging back that it was never his fault, but a huge smile was plastered on his face.

Everyone was watching us with a smile, glad to know we didn't just have bad ones but also happy ones.

Jisung now rolling on the floor with laughter while hissing to Minho, "Oh, o-oh!! There was this one time, Minho shifted into a cow because Y/n pretended to have never seen one before. He forgot about it and fell asleep only to be woken up in the kitchen tied up. The chef was about to cook him. He ended up running around the whole prison with an absurd chef chasing after him."


Watching the two finally communicating with each other made my tears fall, out of happiness and all this laughing. Trying to hold on to my sniffles, not wanting to ruin this moment, but everyone heard.

Jisung and Minho snapped at me and quickly ran up to me, leaving their seat to embrace me. Both rubbed away my tears and asked what was wrong, "I w-want us to stay like this forever and not fight. You know how much I love you both, right? So don't quarrel anymore. We'll find a way to survive this like we always do."

They both shared a look of remorse and guilt for making me feel such a thing. Jisung was prompt to communicate up, "I'm so so sorry for getting you involved in this silly argument. We won't fight anymore. I thought about it, and... if you and Minho leave, I'll follow you guys."

Me and Minho were shocked by hearing his words. Now everyone had eyes on Minho, who was hesitating to say something.

"I... need some air," Minho quickly left the room. Jisung hugged me while calming down my beating heart. Felix, Jeongin, and Seungmin went up to us, asking for more funny stories they wanted to hear.

Miss Peregrine watched the scene fondly before gazing at Chan, who slowly stood up and walked away without anyone noticing.

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