Terror Arrived

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In the wake of our mutual understanding about the past, Chan and I found ourselves entwined in an abundance of shared moments, our companionship deepening with each passing day. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting its warm glow on our surroundings, Chan would often observe my diligent practice sessions with Jeongin. Meanwhile, I would seek solace in the sanctuary of his room, immersing myself in the enchanting world of literature, as he dedicated himself to the rigors of academia or, at times, succumbed to the mesmerizing allure of the morbid spectacle outside our window.

Our connection became an unmistakable presence, impossible for anyone to overlook. Observers began jokingly speculating that if Chan was within proximity, I couldn't be far behind. The unspoken understanding between us radiated, creating an inseparable bond that intrigued those around us.

Miss Peregrine, in her characteristic wisdom, had shared a clandestine letter with Hyunjin and Felix, imparting the news of an impending visitor. The estate, dormant in the company of outsiders for a decade, stirred with excitement at the prospect of new faces. The air buzzed with anticipation as the entire enclave prepared for the arrival of guests.

Minho, typically withdrawn into his own world, had become a silent observer of our shared existence. When questioned by Jisung about his thoughts on the impending visit, Minho would wear a cryptic smile, expressing a yearning for the outside world. Jisung, ever understanding, instantly accepted Minho's sentiments, recalling the days when Minho would frolic around the premises like a free spirit. It had been months since Minho last indulged in such carefree activities.

Jisung, attuned to Minho's unspoken needs, occasionally ventured into the woods, seeking Miss Peregrine's approval to let Minho revel in the freedom of movement. The therapeutic effect on Minho's emotional well-being was evident, as the confined atmosphere of our peculiar abode seemed to dissipate in the embrace of the untamed wilderness.

Amidst this intricate tapestry of relationships and peculiarities, I found myself reclining, my head nestled on Chan's thighs, engrossed in a book. Chan, in his own world, delicately polished his knife, a meditative routine that abruptly halted as Seungmin and Jeongin burst into the room with infectious smiles.

Their excitement was palpable as they gleefully announced, "Our visitors are almost here!"

Eager anticipation echoed through their voices, and their radiant smiles suggested a genuine delight. Without wasting a moment, they relayed Miss Peregrine's directive for everyone to assemble by the door, dressed formally, in a mere 10 minutes. Their urgency was both endearing and amusing, leaving me smiling at the sheer enthusiasm they brought to the occasion.

Rising from my comfortable perch, I met Chan's contemplative gaze. His frown transformed into a warm smile as he acknowledged my presence. A sense of purpose enveloped the air as he spoke, "I should get ready. Need to change these pants into a dress."

Before I could initiate any movement, Chan's firm grasp on my wrist restrained me gently. His eyes locked onto mine, conveying a silent plea, "Don't leave my side when they arrive."

A reciprocal promise lingered in the air, and I assured him with a tender smile, "Won't even dream about it."

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