What Do I Need To Know?

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With gentle care, I shifted Minho's head from my lap to Chan's, who happened to be closest. Chan shot a disgusted look at the oblivious Minho, who was too absorbed in his thoughts to realize where his head ended up.

"Look, Minnie is like this because the group we're going to face later is highly revered around here. They hold the title of the most powerful group. The twins particularly admire them, so any tricks or nonsense they pull in the cage won't land them in trouble."

"Then you can just use your abilities on them. Control them." Chan delivered a sharp tap to the back of Hyunjin's head, prompting a moan as he rubbed the affected area.

"... That's the thing, I can't. You see that young boy?" I subtly pointed to the smallest boy in the opposing group, whose appearance and childlike shy smile made him stand out. "He can control immunity. Essentially, he is immune to control and subordination powers, which are my powers. He can even transfer those abilities to his teammates."

Chan stood up abruptly, causing Minho's head to collide with the ground, and he scowled at the lad. "Tell me more about the other kids' abilities?"

All eyes turned to Minho, who refused to budge from the ground after the impact from Chan. Feeling the intensity of Chan's gaze, Minho responded to the question without changing his position.

"Those triplets wearing sunglasses are surprisingly weak in combat. They can't last 5 minutes in a battle... but with one look into their eyes, you'll be transformed into stone. The youngest one, Y/n, already mentioned his powers. He's always hiding somewhere in the corner thanks to his small frame, making him nearly impossible to spot. The buffy one, just like his appearance suggests, can attack, but his abilities only allow him to heal people."

Finally, Minho rolled his body around to face the opposing group and identify who else he might have missed talking about. In moments like this, having someone like Minho, who was born here and practically knew everyone and everything, proved invaluable.

"The tall one can see 5 seconds into the future, but his limit is that he can only focus on one person. Finally... the troublesome one is the one wearing gloves, their leader." Minho stood up straight, emphasizing his seriousness, "He's gifted with two powers. One of them allows him to absorb the abilities of others literally. He doesn't know how to return people's powers. The other one is that he can turn invisible, making it easy for him to charge and strip away people's abilities."

The faces of Hyunjin and Felix showed a hint of hesitation; they were clearly in trouble. The abilities possessed by the other team were formidable and posed a serious threat to their lives.

Throughout Minho's revelations, Chan remained calm, as if deeply contemplating the situation before eventually pulling Minho back up and compelling him to sit where he was earlier, asserting his dominance.

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