Magical Garden

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"Oh, sorry about that noise. That would be my watch." We observed as Miss Peregrine gracefully retrieved her pocket watch, reading the time with an exuberant smile. The watch itself appeared antique, a delicate piece that seemed to hold its own history. 

"Oh, look! It's playtime. Meaning everyone should be in the garden right now. That's a great time to meet everyone! What do you think?"

"Well, I'm not staying here any longer with him glaring at me." Jisung nudged Minho's sides, encouraging him to behave, but mostly to cease glaring at everything and everyone. The atmosphere was filled with an odd mix of tension and curiosity.

Changbin rose to leave the kitchen, offering parting words, "You can try to make them all cozy if you want, but Chan certainly won't like them here. Especially someone like him." He pointed at Minho, who didn't bother toning down his behavior and left abruptly.

Chan? He must be another child with unique powers, similar to the rest of them.

"Ignore him. It takes a while for him to open up. I think we should head to the garden. I'll introduce you to everyone. Miss Peregrine, don't you have some documents to settle?" Miss Peregrine nodded before heading to her office, leaving the three of us with Felix.

Felix took us the long way to the back garden since he had much to explain before we met the rest. "You see, this is a house where Miss Peregrine takes care of children like us. There are many around the world, and we all keep hidden from society. Unlike the rest, our house is quite special, and not just for its old vintage design, but for the children within."

Surveying the house, I fell in love with its interior design—a setting straight out of the movies. The walls were adorned with portraits and artifacts, each telling its own story, and the furniture, though aged, exuded a comforting charm.

"There are four children within this house, including me, and all four were handpicked, chosen, or saved by a boy named Bang Chan. Even if Miss Peregrine is the headmistress of this house, Chan basically owns it. That's why Changbin said those words... If Chan doesn't like you, I'm sorry, I can't help you any further."

Felix wore a somber expression as he glanced at us, a look that betrayed the imminent farewell he was reluctant to acknowledge. "Can you tell us a bit about this Chan?" He turned around to face us when Jisung posed the question. "Can't say much. He is the oldest child here, and he and Miss Peregrine are somehow blood-related. He is looked up to by all of us, like a god!"

Evidently, Felix held great respect for this person.

He spoke with pride and excitement, his smile belying a hint of emotion. Clearing his throat to control his feelings, he continued, "All that aside, thanks to Miss Peregrine's power, no one here will age unless they get out of her limited zone for more than a month. And time goes fast outside."

Felix opened a massive door that led to a wondrous and magical garden. The door itself, covered in ivy and slightly creaky, added to the enchantment of the place. As we stepped into the garden, the fragrant smell of blooming flowers and the sound of birds singing surrounded us.

The view took my breath away; even Minho, who wasn't particularly happy or thrilled, let out a gasp. A vast expanse of vibrant flowers, winding pathways, and hidden corners hinted at countless adventures within this sanctuary.

As we strolled through the garden, Felix shared details about his life, but Minho was quite guarded, preventing us from revealing our own stories. Felix understood and limited his narrative to avoid further arguments between Jisung and Minho.

Felix mentioned that he and Chan were childhood friends, which explained how he ended up staying here. Soon, we encountered a boy engrossed in a thick book about puppies. Felix intercepted him before he walked past us. "Everyone, meet Seungmin! My BFFFL!"

Once Seungmin set the book aside, I had a chance to appreciate his appearance. He exuded a laid-back personality, except for his piercing eyes that hinted at a more intense demeanor. He surveyed everyone's faces before nodding in greeting.

"Tell them a bit about yourself?! How you ended up here?!" Felix's enthusiasm was palpable as he bounced on his feet, though Seungmin seemed to have his energy drained by Felix's mere presence.

"Nice meeting you. I'm a telekinesis. I've known Chan for a while, and he saved me from being sent away from where you guys ran off from." After a quick visual assessment of our appearance, he put on a disgusted look.

"Orange does not suit you guys." Just like that, he walked past us without bothering to ask why three kids in prison uniforms were there. Jisung and I glanced at our clothes, now realizing how poorly orange complemented our skin.

"That's Seungmin, the smartest here in the house, but he can be very blunt too. Try not to get offended by any of his choice of words."

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