Been So Long

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Felix, Hyunjin, and Changbin stepped forward, assuming the role of guardians, forming a protective barrier for their family while projecting an unwavering facade of strength. Miss Peregrine beamed with pride, observing the three young men taking charge with an air of determination. They didn't flinch when locking eyes with the enigmatic visitors, standing resolute in the face of potential threat.

"I am Hwang Hyunjin, and these two are Lee Felix and Seo Changbin. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance," Hyunjin spoke, punctuating his words with a formal bow, acknowledging the age difference. Felix mirrored the gesture, but Changbin, locked in a glaring contest with Arthur, stood firm in his position, refusing to yield an inch.

Once the introductions were complete, the trio gracefully retreated, maintaining a protective stance just ahead of the younger members of the peculiar family, who clung to the safety of Chan's reassuring presence.

James, the more vocal of the two brothers, couldn't help but comment on the protective display. "Aw, such big brothers. I'm kinda jealous. Why aren't you like that, Arthur? Look how protective they are." Arthur, however, remained unfazed, his attention shifting to Minho and Jisung, who had maintained a reserved demeanor throughout.

James, now fixated on Minho, greeted him with exaggerated enthusiasm. "Oh my. If it isn't Lee Minho. You were just a newborn when I first met you. Now, look at you, all grown up and attractive." His tone took on an unsettling edge as he extended his arms for a hug, a strange grin playing on his face. "Why don't you embrace us... Aren't we like your father?"

In contrast to the tension, Minho displayed an unwavering demeanor, releasing Jisung before stepping into the embrace. James, seemingly satisfied, turned his attention to Arthur, engaging in a brief embrace before returning to the visibly trembling Jisung.

"Han Jisung," Arthur's tone shifted from warmth to disdain, "Came in weak like a child. I see you still haven't improved, shaking like a leaf." Minho scowled at Arthur's derogatory words, but Jisung, surprisingly relieved to be ignored, focused on the indifference shown by the visitors. Arthur's gaze then landed on me and Chan, standing close together.

"Chan, my old companion. You never seem to age, more towering for sure but face-wise, unchanged." Arthur extended his hand for a handshake. Chan, swift in his movements, released my hand and gestured for Seungmin and Jeongin to join Hyunjin as he approached to reciprocate the gesture.

A subtle power struggle unfolded between them, with both men glaring intensely at each other. A keen observer might have noticed something amiss — Arthur's pained frown, evidence of the forceful grip Chan maintained, squeezing his hand to the point of aching and slow cracking.

James intervened, firmly grasping Chan's wrist, casting a warning glare when Chan showed no sign of releasing his grip. Only at Miss Peregrine's staged cough did he relent. Arthur, now holding his hand in evident pain, had forgotten his cane on the carpet.

Chan's victorious smile revealed the success of his subtle power play. The children, witnessing the exchange, managed to crack a smile, some suppressing laughter at the sight of Arthur's discomfort.

In response, Arthur slapped James's arm away, disliking how his brother's actions made him appear even more vulnerable. His wounded pride lingered, a silent testament to the complexities that lay beneath the surface of this peculiar encounter.

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