My Gem Is Hurt, Go!

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Narrator POV

"W-where's Y/n?? Hyunjin?" Minho demanded from Hyunjin, his tone laced with urgency as his opponent lay lifeless on the snow, reverting to his human form. Despite Felix's plea for assistance, Minho couldn't contain his rising frustration with Hyunjin.

Sensing the gravity of the situation, Chan abandoned his playful demeanor with his victim. He approached, swiftly tossing one contestant over the cage with formidable strength, while the other met a more gruesome fate as Chan tore them apart. Unable to sense the whereabouts of the third opponent due to his concern for Y/n, Chan removed the scarf, hastening his path toward Hyunjin.

In defiance of his duty to finish off the last victim, Chan, noting the blood on the snow and catching Y/n's scent, demanded an explanation from Hyunjin about what had transpired. Despite Hyunjin's nervous chuckle, Chan's serious demeanor forced him to recount the events, including Y/n's location and how she ended up inside the hurricane.

As Chan struggled to control his anger, he sensed the last trio of triplets behind him. With a forceful slam of his palm onto Hyunjin's sights, he disrupted his control over the whirlwind, causing him to stumble and endure a slight pain in his eyes. With swift precision, Chan made eye contact with the remaining contestant before delivering a lethal kick to his head, propelling him into the cage wall.

that short eye counter lucky didn't hold any effect on him.

"C-Chan... Ch-Chan... CHAN!!!" "WHAT!!" Chan yelled back at Felix, who had just finished destroying his victim with Minho's guidance. However, he noticed the collective gaze fixed on the area where the typhoon had been.

Reluctant to face the reality unfolding, Chan turned slowly to witness a nightmare. Y/n, with blood spattering from her abdomen onto the boy beneath her, clutching a knife near his heart. The boy was panting, and the horrifying sight made everyone freeze.

The leader, no longer invisible, stood clear as day behind Y/n, gripping her by the nape with a sinister sneer. Skin-to-skin contact sent shivers through everyone, and panic ensued as they wondered who had the upper hand. If Y/n had gotten to the leader first, there might be hope, but if it was the other way around, she would lose her powers, if not her life.

Y/n coughed out blood at the boy beneath her, whose eyes now seemed lifeless. "R-Remove. M-Me." One minute passed with no response or movement, but then the leader let go of her, slowly retreating. "Vanish."

Executing his command, he raced without hesitation straight into the cage's wall. Sparkles and a scream could be detected before everything froze, including his breath.

"Y/N?... Y-Y/N? SHIT, Y/N!!!"

Y/n had fallen forward, and the faint sound of her breathing could be heard but was very limited. Chan took charge, rushing to the girl and carrying her out of the cage as the keepers opened the door.

"James... Go... GO!!!!" Chan's urgent command prompted his brother to follow him and the group, chasing after Chan, who cradled the barely breathing Y/n in his arms. With James gone, he resumed his role, declaring the winner and guiding the children back to their rooms.

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