His Touch

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"Don't wear anything on top; I need to check your back," Chan's voice resonated from behind the closed door. My gaze flickered towards my closet, where a loose dress had been my initial choice. However, considering Chan's intention to examine my back, I realized that a different outfit would be more practical.

A nervous sigh escaped me as I opted for grey shorts, and I sat on the bed, using a towel to shield the obvious. "Y-You can come in."

Chan entered the room, briefly freezing in place to take in the sight before him. After a subtle cough, he moved to sit behind me, equipped with his medical kit.

I brushed my damp hair aside to offer better access, feeling his gaze lingering on my back as water continued to trickle down my skin. The soft cotton of my shorts against my still-sensitive skin prompted a hiss, but I remained motionless. "...H-How are your hands?"

"What about my hands?" / "W-Well, you did punch him, and it looks painful, so... is it aching?"

Silence met my inquiry, prompting me to turn my head to find him. Before I could catch him in my line of sight, I felt his rough hand on my bare waist. Gently, it moved upward, slipping beneath the towel I clutched to cover myself, coming to a halt just under my breast. A hitched breath escaped me, and I straightened my posture, quickly turning away to conceal my flushed face.

"Keep your head straight... My hands are just fine; I'll put a few ointments on them later."

My mind fixated on his wandering hand, now casually resting on my stomach. The roughness of his skin stirred butterflies in my stomach, and I attempted to control my breathing. A thump against the door disrupted the moment, and both of our heads turned towards the sound. "Y/N, are you okay? Minho and I assumed you might need some encouragement after what happened," Jisung's voice echoed, inducing panic in my reddened eyes. "...and if you do, just say the word."

My gaze darted between Chan and myself. I was undeniably half-naked, and Chan's hands were in places where they shouldn't be. If Jisung and Minho were to walk in at this moment, chaos would ensue, particularly for Minho, who had already caught them in a compromising position before.

Minho, in particular, would have no qualms about setting the mansion ablaze.

"I-I'm f-fine! I think I should just unwind before dinner." The room fell silent for a moment as if Jisung and Minho harbored skepticism in the wake of my stuttered response. Meanwhile, Chan, undeterred by the situation, turned his attention back to my body. His hand gradually ascended to my side, eliciting a gasp, given the sensitivity of the area. Chan's smirk only deepened at my reaction.

"Okay. Don't hesitate to seek our help," Minho's voice reassured us, and the sound of their footsteps indicated their departure.

Taking advantage of the ensuing silence, Chan maintained professionalism and resumed his task of bandaging the wounds. "You should rest up, just like you said. Try not to lie on your back. I'll check up on the rest..."

We exchanged a lingering look as he stood up and left the room.

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