Create A Bond

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"When I mentioned I was once a lab rat, it wasn't a solo experience. There were numerous others, and the one I got to know was a doppelgänger. One was gifted with a high IQ, while the other was powerless. They were inseparable, enduring the same testing as I did. Unlike me, who converted into a vampire, they became immortal. No one could kill them, only damage them.

The day I snapped, I ended the lives of everyone, keeping a few as trophies. But that twin... I couldn't. During our time in that place, we developed a small bond. Just when I thought I was free, they took charge of the facility. It was back to square one, with me becoming one of their subjects for a so-called 'better world.' If Miss Peregrine hadn't intervened, I wouldn't have been able to escape."

As he delved back into his past, I observed a myriad of emotions flashing in his eyes. When the story concluded with a proposal directed at me, we engaged in prolonged eye contact. "I was too soft towards them, saw them like my brother. I haven't seen or heard about them since then. Kind of hoping they were dead, even if that was impossible... So, what did they offer you?"

I noticed a hint of a sinister scoff at the end of his sentence when he mentioned it was impossible to kill them as if he knew something more, but I chose to focus more on the current moment.

It had been a considerable amount of time since we had a moment like this, and I couldn't help but yearn for it a little. "Like I said, they love my uniqueness, so they proposed that I be a part of their team to create a better world..." My response triggered a sudden switch in his demeanor. "When we meet them... Are you going to turn soft?" The room echoed with his maniacal roaring, even if he attempted to cover it with his palm.

A massive grin adorned his face as he rolled back, seemingly on a high again. I found myself appreciating this side of him more, unable to resist a chuckle while closely observing his actions. "Me? Soft? I'll admit, my actions were misguided in the past, but that's long gone. If we meet, they better hope I don't punch them into a plum. They are lucky Miss Peregrine is around."

We both ended up sharing a small chuckle while maintaining intense eye contact. "...Don't panic when seeing them. Not when I'm around." I shook my head gently, sporting a smirk, and we both acknowledged that I wouldn't be afraid anymore, thanks to his reassuring words.

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