Stop It, You Are Hurting Him!

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We found ourselves at the tail end of the group, navigating through the crowded market with Chan leading the way. Carrying bags laden with our market finds, we entered a well-known bakeshop in search of delectable sweets to satisfy our cravings. Chan had taken the initiative to transfer the bags to the car earlier, making our exploration more manageable amid the hustle and bustle of the bakery.

Ultimately, we settled on purchasing a cake to share with everyone after dinner, along with a selection of sweets for the car ride back home. Standing side by side, Chan and I watched Seungmin and Jeongin walk ahead of us, their joy evident in the way they leaped between the lively crowd.

"How is it? I suspect it's your first time at a market," I chuckled, wrapping my hand around Chan's arm, and navigating through the bustling crowd. "It's more extensive than I imagined. Quite nice, minus the chaos and constant clamor."

Chan emitted a deep chortle, and we reached our car ahead of the rest. Jeongin couldn't contain his excitement, passionately expressing his desire for a toy he had spotted. Chan, slightly irritated by Jeongin's persistent pleas, eventually conceded, his frustration eased by my calming presence.

After a brief wait, Chan and Hyunjin joined Jeongin as they ventured back into the market to secure the coveted toy. In their absence, Seungmin engaged me with discussions about his current literary fascination, offering insights into his favorite parts of the story and amusingly critiquing its less realistic elements. I joined in agreement or shared a laugh at his animated reactions to vividly described kiss scenes.

Glancing around, I noticed a group of three males gawking at us as we lingered by the car. Determined to enjoy the lively atmosphere of the town before returning to the mansion, I chose to ignore them until, unexpectedly, they approached us.

"Hey there, beautiful. Let's have a little fun in the alley over there."

Quick to defend me, Seungmin stood his ground, puffing out his chest in an attempt to appear strong, a stance he had learned from Hyunjin. "Sorry, but my sister isn't that type. Please leave us be, and we won't report you."

The leader of the trio snickered at Seungmin's words, and my unease grew. Carefully tugging at Seungmin's back, signaling that we should move on and ignore them, our efforts were abruptly interrupted.

Without warning, the leader stepped forward, forcefully shoving Seungmin to the ground, resulting in a tear on the side of his shoulder from the harsh impact. Before I could rush to Seungmin's aid, I was abruptly seized by my hair, causing me to scream in pain.

Two of the assailants restrained my arms, forcing me to kneel while their leader approached Seungmin, who struggled to rise with aching shoulders. Fear gripped me as I anticipated the impending violence. "Quit it! Leave him alone! Get off me!"

As expected, the leader pulled Seungmin up by his hair, subjecting him to a relentless assault. My screams and pleas for mercy echoed through the chaotic scene, but we were rendered powerless, unable to use our abilities in public.

Why was no one coming to our aid?

"L-Leave him alone! Please! I-I'll do whatever you want. Just leave him be!" Desperation led me to beg, the only plea that seemed to sway the leader. He eventually relented, allowing Seungmin to fall to the side. Though motionless, his slow breathing provided a glimmer of hope.

The assailants hoisted me back to a standing position, their leader tauntingly caressing my face. I yearned to resist, to retaliate but feared further harm to Seungmin. "Now, you will be a good girl and obey us. If not, your brother will get a longer beating."

I reluctantly agreed as they dragged me away by my hair. However, before they could lead me far from the car, the rest of our group arrived, assessing the unfolding situation. In a fit of rage, Chan hurled the bag he clutched at Jeongin, who recoiled at the sight, before launching himself at the leader. A fierce punch sent the assailant sprawling to the ground, and Chan roared curses, holding him up by the collar with fiery determination.

Minho and Changbin followed Chan's lead, joining the fray with the other assailants. Hyunjin swiftly guided me away from the escalating violence. As the commotion drew attention from the crowd, they remained passive bystanders, offering no assistance.

Miss Peregrine, Jisung, and Jeongin helped Seungmin back into the car, his injuries carefully attended to, unsure if he had sustained any fractures. Seated beside him at the back, I cradled his head on my lap, gently treating his bruises, soothingly rubbing his battered body, and whispering reassurances. Seungmin hadn't opened his eyes once, adding to the anxiety that permeated the confined space of the car.

Hyunjin forced Jeongin into the vehicle, securing the rest to break up the fight. Felix and Jisung pulled Changbin and Minho away, locking them in the car to prevent any further escalation. Meanwhile, Hyunjin and Miss Peregrine had to handle Chan's seething anger.

I fought back tears, comforting Jeongin as he found solace in my embrace, eventually falling asleep. As Chan and Hyunjin occupied the front seats of the car, the unsettling aftermath of the altercation lingered, casting a heavy pall over our once joyous outing.

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