They're Coming

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Inhaling my shaky breath, I cast one last glance at the frozen boy before summoning the courage to reach out for the letter lying further away. However, my attempt was thwarted as Chan snatched it with lightning speed, his abrupt movement alarming me in the process. "She's not reading this stupid shi-"

"Chan!! Ahem..." Miss Peregrine interrupted with a stern tone, initiating a staring contest with the male that rendered everyone else in the room timid. "I do admire your protectiveness toward Y/n, but she has the right to look over that letter. It was especially addressed to her."

In this hierarchy dominated by the alpha figures of Miss Peregrine and Chan, the rest of us had no chance to intervene.

"Give. It. Back," Miss Peregrine's voice remained calm yet threatening. Chan eventually obeyed, releasing a few growls while baring his fangs in response. Receiving the letter that was forcefully shoved in my direction, I made slight eye contact with Chan. Surprisingly, his eyes didn't reveal madness but rather a sense of worry.

My body seemed to resist reading the letter, and I was secretly relieved when Chan took it away. Now, it rested in my unsteady hands, and my eyes moved down at the paper, progressing slower than a sloth's pace. However, no one complained, understanding the internal struggle reflected in my wavering actions.

The letter began:


**Dear Alma LeFay Peregrine and our favorite Y/n Hart,**

*We're sure by now Esmeralda has sent you a pre-warning, that nosey bitch.*

*Since she spilled all the joy, we thought, why not scare you more? We are going for a wee visit. I know my favorite child is in that old mansion. Peregrine, I believe is her name. Zero to worry, it's just a short stay. Let's have tea and chat a little. You can trust our words, no one will be physically hurt... yet. In 3 days, we expect a warm welcome.*

*P.S... Our offer is still up, sweet cheeks, all you have to do is agree.*


The content left me bewildered, and I didn't know how to react. A cocktail of fearful and troubled emotions surged through my brain, securing a bad headache that threatened to engulf my senses.

Hyunjin, ever perceptive, immediately noticed the change in my expression and guided me to sit on the nearest chair, offering silent support in the face of this unsettling revelation.

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