A Little Break From Drama

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After a continuous two-day journey, our peculiar group stumbled upon a quaint village. Miss Peregrine's words hinted at an extended stay—perhaps a few days if not weeks. The collective murmur of questions and groans from the children echoed through the air, seeking answers to the uncertainty that lay ahead.

Upon settling into a modest motel, we were divided into two groups, with Miss Peregrine and Chan assuming leadership roles for each. Naturally, I chose to join Chan's party, accompanied by Seungmin and the Minsung couple.

As everyone unpacked, Chan took the initiative to update us on the unfolding events. Minho reveled in the news that the twins were currently facing troubles, while Jisung eagerly speculated on the potential outcomes. Two contrasting personalities react to the same situation.

Since our stay in this seemingly abandoned village would be prolonged, Miss Peregrine granted the children the freedom to explore, provided they remained concealed. They adopted aliases and pretended to be locals, while Miss Peregrine focused on monitoring the twins' movements with the assistance of other ymbrynes she was in close communication with.

Exiting the emptiness of the motel took some time, but boredom eventually compelled many to seek amusement outdoors. Personally, I found solace in staying indoors, where I could escape into the world of books while my mind wrestled with concerns.

Chan would occasionally linger to keep me company, but there were times when he too sought liberation and joy outside. On one fortuitous day, heavy rains forced everyone to stay indoors.

Surveying the room, I observed Minho's evident frustration with the indoor confinement as he lay on the bed, scowling at the inclement weather. Jisung, on the other hand, seemed to manage the situation quite well, playing with the switches of a mini radio, occasionally inviting Minho to join his impromptu dance parties.

Seungmin and Jeongin chose to be in separate rooms, as Seungmin preferred to stay with me. Displaying a calm and mature demeanor, in stark contrast to his interactions with the youngest, Seungmin sat by my side, effortlessly solving a newspaper puzzle. My eyes momentarily shifted from the book on my lap to acknowledge his accomplishment with a pat on his head and a commendation.

There was another figure in the room—Chan. Seated on the carpet, surrounded by tools and jars skillfully arranged on the ground, he meticulously polished spots of dust that caught his sharp eyes. Occasionally, his gaze would shift to Jisung, whose dancing antics posed a challenge to the organization of his tools.

Realistically, I found solace in moments like these, despite the differing preferences of others. An environment devoid of arguments and vulnerability provided a welcomed respite for contemplation and peace.

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