Everything Will Be Fine

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Throughout the entire ride back to the mansion, Chan relentlessly pounded the wheel, releasing a barrage of curses from his vocabulary. Hyunjin attempted to calm him down, occasionally glancing back at me, Jeongin and Seungmin to assess their condition. However, Chan's frustration only intensified with each passing moment.

In an effort to shield Jeongin from the turmoil, I covered his ears, allowing him to find solace in sleep. Meanwhile, my hand delicately nestled into Seungmin's hair, a silent reassurance that I was there to offer comfort and support.

As the car came to a stop at the mansion, Hyunjin diligently assisted in carrying Seungmin to Chan's room, where he would be examined and healed. Jeongin clung tightly to my waist, hesitant to leave my side. Though apprehensive about parting from him, I felt compelled to follow and ensure Seungmin's well-being.

Felix, noticing Jeongin's reluctance, persuaded him to accompany him elsewhere. Seizing the opportunity, I hurried into Chan's room, finding Hyunjin carefully placing Seungmin on the hospital bed. A sigh of relief escaped me as Seungmin finally opened his eyes, emitting distressed sounds until he reached out to grasp my hand, unwilling to let go.

Chan entered the room after ensuring that Minho and Jisung were barred from entering, recognizing Chan's preference for a focused and controlled environment during medical procedures. Hyunjin, with Seungmin's well-being at the forefront of his concerns, left the room, trusting that Chan would handle the situation adeptly.

An unspoken tension permeated the room as Chan began tending to Seungmin's injuries. The atmosphere remained silent, devoid of conversation or exchanged glances. Chan meticulously stitched up the substantial cuts on Seungmin's stomach and applied ointment to the bruise on his face. Exhausted from the lengthy procedure and accompanied by the rhythmic beeping of machines, Seungmin succumbed to sleep.

Chan, now turning his attention to me, uttered, "...Let me see yours too." Initially puzzled, I comprehended Chan's words as he scowled at the bruises on my wrist. Upon reflection, I realized the toll the ordeal had taken on me. My appearance, disheveled and blood-stained, mirrored the distressing events.

Inspecting my body, Chan's gaze took in the disarray. Tangled hair, and visible cuts on the dress, particularly at the back where blood had flowed from the dragging, painted a vivid picture of the ordeal.

"Right, I'll take a quick bath first. You should check once more in case of any concealed injury."

I left the room, making my way to my own, shedding the torn dress before entering the shower. The encounter with water sent a sharp pain through the wounds on my back. Unable to clearly see the extent of the damage, I decided to forgo soap, opting for a quick three-minute rinse.

As I was putting on a fresh set of underwear, a knock echoed on the door, signaling an interruption to the momentary respite.

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