I'll Tell You

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An hour had passed since I found solace in the act of decompressing when an urgent piece of news from the radio captured everyone's attention. The reporter's voice echoed in the room, announcing,

"Breaking News. At this moment, police are investigating 31st Avenue Street, where a car has been discovered abandoned in the woodlands for several days. Initially perceived as a mere case of an abandoned vehicle, the situation took a dark turn when authorities identified blood splatters on the dashboard and an array of concealed firearms, leading them to conclude that this is a case of a murder on the run."

Seungmin rose from his seat and joined me, seeking solace in an embrace. Frowns adorned everyone's faces, especially since the street under investigation was in close proximity to our home. However, Chan remained nonchalant, engrossed in his cleaning routine as if the news was inconsequential.

The reporter continued to provide details on the case, stating, "The blood found in the car has been identified as belonging to a man named Arthur Wing. Whether he is the victim or the perpetrator remains uncertain. Police are urging the public to report any suspicious sightings or unusual activities immediately to the police station, as-"

Before the reporter could conclude her statement, Minho abruptly approached and turned off the radio, leaving everyone puzzled. He voiced his skepticism, questioning, "The car is found on the street not far from our home. There's a high chance they are there as we speak. The blood they discovered could be an indication of Arthur's imminent death, right? This isn't some prank, is it?"

Minho's doubts were valid, considering the circumstances seemed too extraordinary to be true. All eyes turned to Chan, the alpha of the room, who remained unaffected by the gravity of the news.

Chan reassured the group, "Don't worry. The last time I saw them, Arthur was ailing, barely concealing his condition, and close to his end. They are currently staying in our mansion. Miss Peregrine and I have thought this through, so worry not. With the police involved, it seems plausible that we'll be staying here longer until the case either turns cold or they discover the bodies."

I furrowed my brow at Chan's statement, wondering if he had collaborated with Miss Peregrine on a plan. Did he foresee this unfolding?

Rising from the loveseat where Seungmin and I were seated, I walked toward Chan with an irritated expression. The others made way for me, sensing that I was the one who could extract answers from the seemingly untroubled male on the ground.

Coming to a halt a few feet away from him, I waited until our eyes met before posing the question that lingered in everyone's minds, "What's happening, Chan? What exactly did you plan with Miss Peregrine? Tell me."

"I believe it's more suitable for just me and Miss Peregrine to know, while you all rest up. Don't trouble your minds with-"

"I think that if you don't come clean now, more problems will simply arise in the future-"

"Like what?" / "... One of us leaving and finding the twins themselves. Exposing the truth and potentially getting caught by the twins... Wouldn't that ruin the plan, Chanie?" I said with a challenging tone, and Chan's hesitant expression indicated my victory in the situation.

Unable to suppress a grin, I watched as Chan sighed, likely conceding that individuals like me and Minho, along with loyal allies Jisung and Seungmin, would be prone to undertake such actions, thereby jeopardizing the plan and leading to chaos.

Observing him rise, his towering height now above mine, he shot me a hard look before finally accepting defeat, "Well, it wasn't that hard-"

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