This Is Y/n Hart

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As everyone assembled in their designated order, forming two neat rows, the atmosphere buzzed with a blend of anticipation and curiosity. The youngest members took their place at the forefront, flanked by the Changlix couple on their right and Hyunjin on the left. The remaining members formed a composed second row behind them. Meanwhile, Miss Peregrine took the initiative, gracefully moving forward to knock on the door before positioning herself at the corner, a poised sentinel awaiting entry.

The door creaked open, revealing a lady who appeared to be of similar age to Miss Peregrine. Adorned in a black sequined shawl, her silver hair elegantly swept up, devoid of any other hues, she wore a welcoming smile. Her eyes gracefully scanned each face, extending a warm greeting to Miss Peregrine with a familiarity that hinted at a long-standing friendship. The hug shared between them conveyed a depth of connection, like old companions reuniting. The lady graciously ushered us into her abode, the doorway to a world that exuded warmth and comfort.

Surveying the interior, the house emanated a cozy charm, adorned with an array of flowers and plants. While not particularly spacious, its inviting aura had the uncanny ability to encourage a sense of relaxation and ease.

Amidst the welcoming ambiance, my attention was diverted by the sight of a few figures—children or peculiar animals—gazing at us from the closest room door. Despite their initial hostility, I opted to dismiss their stink-eyed glares, attributing it to the aftermath of the unfortunate events that befell their home.

The lady, presumably Miss Wren, addressed us with a voice resonating with a profound depth, a tone saturated with motherly affection. "I deeply apologize for my children. Ever since the misfortune, they have been locked up emotionally and are hesitant to communicate with other kids. Please understand," she implored, her words carrying an undercurrent of maternal concern. The guilt evident in the children's eyes spoke volumes as they sheepishly retreated in response to Miss Wren's words.

"No need to worry, my dear. They're just children, much like mine. They, too, tend to act this way with guests, often without apparent reasons," Miss Peregrine offered in response, her gaze subtly directed at Chan, Changbin, and Minho—individuals who occasionally exhibited such behavior, seemingly unaffected by the comment as they avoided eye contact with the woman.

Suddenly, Miss Peregrine turned her attention to me, subtly nodding for me to step forward. I complied, watching as Miss Wren's expression shifted from curiosity to shock when she was introduced to me.

"This is Y/n Hart," Miss Peregrine explained, her words weighted with a sense of urgency. "I should also apologize for our unannounced visit, but it's urgent. You see, she has been searching for her father, and after much hardship, we've concluded that he might be here in this house. Miss Wren, if he is here, please allow this young lady to see him. It's been far too long since their last meeting."

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