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Chan dragged a metallic chair across the floor, producing an unsettling screech that echoed through the room. I watched as he sifted through an assortment of surgical tools next to a hospital bed, seemingly unfazed by the eerie atmosphere. My curiosity led me to approach a glass window, and to my surprise, the bodies on the other side had not yet been attended to.

As I settled onto the chair, Chan emitted a fake cough to capture my attention, gesturing for me to position myself. I brushed my hair to one side, exposing my neck as a non-verbal warning against any attempts to bite me, considering his admission of being a half-vampire during lunch. His response was a chuckle, and he shook his head, seemingly amused by my caution.

"Tell me a bit about this so-called tracker," he requested. I held my breath as his cold hand made contact with my neck, exerting gentle pressure to detect any anomalies from the device.

The sensation was strangely comfortable and serene as if I were caught in another dimension. Outside, Jeongin and Hyunjin's lively voices provided a reassuring reminder of reality.

"I honestly don't know much about it. Most kids are kept in the dark. I only found out when Minho informed us. As far as I understand, if they discover a missing kid, they can use a controller, and it explodes. Right now, I believe Minho holds the controllers," I explained, with Chan responding inquisitively to every detail.

The room fell into a peaceful silence, only interrupted by the distant screams beyond the window. It wasn't an awkward silence; rather, it was surprisingly comfortable. Chan, presumably finding the device, paused between my neck and shoulder.

As he swiveled his chair to search his desk, my mind drifted to thoughts of Jisung and Minho. I wondered about their activities and how they were dealing with the aftermath of the argument.

A sudden cold mental touch startled me. Chan had discreetly used a mental detector on me for a brief moment before returning to his desk to jot down some notes. "... How did you become a vampire? Did you get bitten by the same kind as in the stories?" he inquired, initiating a conversation that was both born out of boredom and curiosity, a welcome diversion from the recent conflict. His raised eyebrow indicated an interest in my response as he continued his work.

"I didn't realize we'd be spilling our life stories by doing this," he remarked, his smooth voice resonating in the room.

My eyes wandered around the room, but his words captured my attention. "Well, I don't see the problem with it. Considering the situation in the dining area, I might be staying here for a while. So, might as well open up... I might too..."

Ever since I revealed my powers to everyone, Chan had shown evident intrigue, evident in his room design, authority, and unique abilities, suggesting an experimental and curious nature.

I observed his index finger tapping on the desk, a sign of him processing my words and contemplating the unspoken deal lingering in his mind. The room, though filled with remnants of the eerie, took on an oddly intimate atmosphere, as if the silence held secrets and the conversation held the key to unlocking them.

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