Given Task For Everyone

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"Listen up, I don't aspire to witness that ridiculous uncertainty plastered across your faces; lighten up a bit," Chan promptly silenced everyone with a stern frown, casting a quick glance my way as I stood alongside him, curious about his proposition. "Nothing is impossible. Every ability has its vulnerability. As much as I object to Y/n utilizing her capability... Just this once, I'll allow."

"But how? Didn't you listen to a word I said, you dimwit." Ignoring the name Minho hurled at him, Chan scanned each one of us with a grin, "All we lack is a plan."

"Hyunjin!" Chan abruptly pointed fingers at the young man. Hyunjin stood up immediately upon hearing his name called, ready to fulfill the duties assigned to him. "Your responsibility is to keep their leader visible to all. I don't care how; just make it possible for us to locate him. You also need to try to keep him away from approaching any of us, got it?"

He nodded in acknowledgment of the command, not showing any reluctance to fulfill his role model. Hyunjin's ability to act from afar made him the logical choice to target the opposing team's leader. Chan then shifted his gaze to Felix and Minho, urging them to sit up with the charisma he exuded.

"Felix and Minho, I want you to focus on the guy who can browse the future. Since he can only focus on one at a time, I know you two can work together. Once that task is done, I want you guys to immediately move toward that buffy restorative guy. I'm pretty sure they would be connected, judging by how friendly they are and how their powers complement each other."

I slightly turned my head to verify Chan's statement, and indeed, the two males were giggling and sticking close to each other, their camaraderie evident. "And what will you and Y/n be doing?" Felix inquired, echoing my own curiosity. What roles would Chan and I play in this fight? I felt essentially useless in such a confrontation.

"Y/n is going to look for her opponent. I'm positive you can handle him; you're not as weak as you look. Once you manage him and our situation worsens, then use your powers, got it? Only when necessary."

Not wanting to incur Chan's wrath, I nodded my understanding, signaling that there was no need for such a stern look. "I'll handle those triplets. Don't bother about them. Now everyone sticks to this system, and make sure your enemy doesn't interfere with the others in the fight."

"GROUPS IN THE CAGE, PLEASE. THE FINAL MATCH WILL BEGIN IN A MINUTE. WE SHALL SEE WHO WILL WIN THIS YEAR'S CHAMPIONSHIP," Arthur's voice echoed through the mic, but my focus was elsewhere.

I noticed the fear and worry in Arthur's eyes, and it seemed like James was on the brink of a panic attack. It must be because if we win this, the deal Chan made with Arthur is coming true. All we need to do is triumph over this group, and everything will go according to plan.

Hyunjin, Minho, and Felix marched into the cage. Before I could do the same, Chan caught onto my arm. Without questioning anything, especially when he tugged at the scarf I had used to tie my hair, I simply let him proceed. The keepers promptly locked up the cage.

"AS THIS IS THE LAST FIGHT, IT SHALL BE FREE. NO RESTRICTIONS WILL BE GIVEN. GOOD LUCK, MY CHAMPIONS!" Arthur barked through the mic as the final showdown loomed.

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