Miss Wren's House

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A fleeting month passed within the walls of the mansion, marked by an abundance of joy and chaos. The memories of our roller skating escapade were still fresh, especially the aftermath where Minho, in his characteristic style, had both of us kneeling, subjected to one of his legendary lectures, generously peppered with colorful curse words, all aimed at Chan, of course.

In the subsequent days, the vibrant red hue returned to my eyes, effortlessly capturing the attention of those around me. The gleefulness in my eyes mirrored the exponential growth of my powers, surpassing their previous intensity.

As the much-anticipated Christmas day arrived, Chan declared that once I was ready to move freely, we would visit Miss Wren's house. And here we were, standing before a seemingly tiny house perched atop a colossal tower constructed entirely from stacked railroad ties.

The question echoed in everyone's minds – how on earth were we going to get up there?

Miss Peregrine's smooth voice redirected our attention from the house to her, "Well, children, this is it. The house is elevated to protect Miss Wren's children from the clutches of merciless hunters. These children either possess animal-like abilities or resemble animals exactly."

Changbin, ever the voice of practicality, articulated the question that lingered in the air, "That's astonishing and all, but how do we get up there?" The house stood so high that we could practically touch the fluffy clouds drifting around it.

Miss Peregrine responded with calm assurance, "That's simple, my dear. Given that it's a house for animal-like children, only those with abilities resembling animals can easily ascend. For instance, I can transform into a bird and carry a maximum of two children. So, that implies..."

Everyone collectively turned their gaze toward Minho, engrossed in scrutinizing the peculiar structure. It took him a moment to realize that nine pairs of eyes were fixated on him, awaiting his acknowledgment. "You know I—Shit! What are you all staring at me for?!"

Silence enveloped the group as they waited for him to grasp the task at hand. "Hell no! I'm not transporting you all on my back! Do you comprehend how much you all weigh? You're not light!"

It was evident that Minho's objection stemmed more from embarrassment than anger at the prospect of carrying the others. Sensing the discomfort, Chan tactfully raised his hand to shift the focus away from Minho, "I can carry a few, I suppose. Don't know about three people, but I can manage two."

"Fine, I'll carry the other three," Minho conceded reluctantly, his reluctance overshadowed by the collective determination to reach the house on the towering railroad tie structure.

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