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Before the inexorable descent into the confines of prison, a series of rigorous tests awaited me. Each examination aimed to assess not only my physical well-being but also the extent of my peculiar abilities.

"Subject number 9087, please state your powers."

Within the vast expanse of a stark white room, the only feature breaking the sterile monotony was a transparent window through which I observed two figures—one clad in a scientist's coat, the other in a sharp suit and tie.

Defying their inquiries, I remained silent, steadfast in my decision to refrain from causing harm. Cloaked in an orange jumpsuit, reminiscent of prison garb, I meandered through the room. "I repeat, subject number 9087, state your powers."

Turning to meet the gazes of the two men, I shook my head, declaring, "I refuse to." My defiance irked them, and the man in the suit promptly signaled someone.

Minutes later, a considerably older child entered, a smug grin plastered across his face. Towering over me, he delivered an ultimatum, "If you choose to refuse, you've left us with no choice but to force it out of you."

The prospect of a confrontation loomed as they orchestrated a duel between me and this teenage boy, a spectacle to witness the extent of my powers firsthand. Fleeing from the relentless pursuit, I mentally implored myself, 'Don't, resist using your powers, and avoid causing harm again.'

Evading the relentless chase proved challenging, the boy pursuing me with a burst of maniacal laughter that echoed through the sterile environment. "Come on, little lamb, think of it as a show-and-tell in school, and I won't kill ya now." My efforts were in vain as I stumbled, and with a heavy step, he loomed over me, relishing the twisted game.

"Leave me alone."

His laughter resonated, and he extended a hand toward my neck, exerting pressure. He reveled in the sadistic pleasure of his power. "Want to know my powers? I can suck the living soul out of your body. Don't worry about those two men watching. They don't care. Every day, a child dies in this prison. Would you like to be one of them too?"

The gravity of the situation sank in as he revealed his sinister abilities. Desperation consumed me as my soul began to be forcibly extracted, pleading for mercy through the diminishing air supply. Yet, he showed no intention of relenting, pushing me to the brink of death.

Summoning the last reserves of strength, I seized his hand, drawing it closer, and eliciting a painful response. Through a fleeting gaze, an electric shock surged through his body.

"Suck your own soul."

The subsequent events unfolded predictably, a consequence of his malevolent actions. The unexpected turn of events served as a stark reminder of the dark realities within the prison's walls, where survival often required grappling with the very essence of one's being.

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