Two Leaders

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This chapter won't be in Y/n's POV but the narrater's


Minho stood outside, tolerating the cold wind hitting his face, hoping to calm his mind, but it wasn't working. He could feel the pressure on his shoulders. "Want one?" Looking beside him, he saw Chan standing there, handing him a cigarette and a lighter.

Minho gave him a miniature glare before accepting it and letting out a satisfying puff of smoke. Chan did the same as they both just watched the fluffy clouds slowly floating above them.

"... People in the house basically look up to you..." Chan glimpsed at the male then raised an eyebrow before responding to Minho's comment with a 'so?' "... What would you do with my situation if the same thing happened to you?"

It was silent between the two, both just smoking and not peeking at each other before Chan spoke up his thought, "I don't see why you're having a hard time about this. Didn't you want to leave? Jisung already agrees to your choice."

"Just answer the damn question."

If Minho could, he would have wrestled this man down and beaten him to a pulp, but right now, as much as he hated to say it, he needed a piece of advice, especially from someone like Chan who's already shown his great leadership by how his family seems to respect him.

"... If something like this happens between the boys. I would respect their decision; it will hurt seeing them leave me behind. That's just the path of being a leader; you have to be open-minded."

"What if you put that title away and see it from a point of view as a best friend. Someone you have spent hundreds of memories together."

Chan threw his cigar down before stepping on it, blowing a puff of smoke out as he faced the cloudy skies. Now understanding what Minho wanted to hear,

"Then, I wouldn't break the team apart. Y/n and Jisung seem to be having fun with the rest; even I would be envious. I would be thinking, are they going to replace me? They are trusting them more than me?..." Chan glanced at Minho, his words seemed to hit the male hard as he had a somber look on, "But, they are happy, and the rest isn't important. You pledged the two already to fight with them through tough times, so why are you anxious?"

"... I'm scared I can't keep that promise. Will I be there for them, all the time?" / "If you leave, then that should be your biggest problem. Here? There are others who can take half your burden."

Minho let out a sigh of defeat. What Chan said was right. He honestly doesn't have any idea how to help his family if they go out of the house. Minho knows how the others are helping his friends mentally and physically.

Looking up at the sky, he had a determined face and a smirk, thinking to himself before looking back at Chan, who was watching the distance. "Even if we stay. How am I sure you would even let us huh?"

Caught off guard a little by the question, though was immediately to hide it and answer, "... You guys are beginning to warm up to them. They would be angry for at least three more centuries if I force you out."

Minho scoffed, making Chan frown at his smirking form, "... So got nothing to do with the little Y/n Hart?" Chan now fully turned his body to face Minho, and the other male did the same.

Both hold different kinds of emotions on their face.

Minho's mask fell off quickly as a glare took place on his face, "I see the way you look at her and I know how you guys been spending time. You keep your filthy vampy, bloody hands off my girl. With me staying around here more, you better sleep with one eye open, mate." He spat out, somewhat making fun of Chan's accent while at it.

Minho rolled his eyes which were sharper than before, before walking back into the mansion, leaving behind a speechless Chan who slowly let out a chuckle, his eyes reaching out in amusement, "Your girl, huh?... We'll see."

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