My Background

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"Um, w-were should I start?" / "I think the beginning would be a great start, darling," Nodding at Miss Peregrine's reply, I glanced at everyone before exhaling a small sigh.

"Let's see... Umm. My mother is a housewife while my father works in a factory. We don't have money to spend freely, but we weren't that poor." I swayed slightly while reminiscing about the past, "Mother and I never really had an immeasurable relationship, mainly due to her not wanting to be pregnant and me stealing my father's attention."

Everyone seemed intrigued by the story; even Changbin sat up straight to listen more intently, "I was born with these colored eyes, so I was called by a lot of names. No one would dare hurt me physically because my father protected me... "

I took a break for a while.

Looking around, Minho gave me an encouraging look while Jisung smiled at me. They knew about my past, so they know I'm getting to the hard part of the story, "... When I hit the age of 4, father had mysteriously gone missing. No one knew of him. It was like he never breathed on earth, no record of him was even found by the police..."

Fidgeting with my fingers as I recalled my mother's hateful face, making me sigh out, "Mother became more abusive than before. I took it because she is the only family I had. A year after my father's disappearance, I realized that I had powers." I looked at my open palm, "A bunch of kids were bullying me and-and... I killed one of them..."

Jisung saw my frown harshly at the memory, being the closest to me at the end of the couch. He reached out to hold my hand, to which I smiled thankfully, "I told him to just die, and he walked to the street when a car was driving really fast, and it hit him."

"It's not your fault. You were defending yourself," I smiled and gave a small thank you to Jisung's words before continuing my story.

"The town started spreading a rumor about me being a devil's child or something. When I turned 6 years old, it was midnight, and I heard crashing sounds. Worried, I walked downstairs only to find my mother snogging with another man. I was too young to understand the situation, but the man took a fondness for me."

Minho rolled his eyes at this as a faint growl was let out, catching everyone's attention, but Minho was scowling hard. He had heard about this story once and hated it so much, especially towards this man and his actions, "... He wanted to spend the night with me, but mother only gave in if he pays $100."

Whispers were heard in the living room, as many were shocked that a mother would do such a thing. When I looked at Chan, I could tell how mad he was hearing the stories by the way he clenched his hand into a fist; his face resembled Minho's.

"Then w-what happened to you?" Jeongin quickly asked, clearly hoping for a happy ending.

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