Back In The Mansion

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Back at the mansion, the once lively atmosphere had given way to a somber and melancholic mood in the absence of the others. The usually bustling rooms were now filled with an air of desolation. Currently, everyone was huddled around the dining table, their heads hung low in an expression of collective dejection. Miss Peregrine observed the scene with a hint of amusement, noting the bitter sighs that punctuated the otherwise silent gloom.

Changbin, however, couldn't tolerate the oppressive atmosphere. Disturbed by the pervasive melancholy, he decided to interject, "Okay, stop with all that depressing talk. Why the hell are you all so disheartened?"

"Because we need them. Don't you miss them?" Jeongin responded to Changbin's outburst, reflecting the collective sentiment.

With an annoyed groan, Changbin turned his attention toward the group, pointing his fingers emphatically, "Of course, I miss them. Even if I loathe to admit it, that doesn't mean we all have to be so sad." He gestured around the house, a slight agitation in his demeanor, "Look around! You lads are sighing and sulking at every corner, making this house even duller. Christmas is coming, okay? Why don't you all go decorate or something? By the time they get back, it'll be Christmas."

Seungmin and Jeongin exchanged a determined nod, and just like that, their spirits were lifted. Changbin could only shake his head at how effortlessly the suggestion had managed to bring smiles back to the faces of the two youngsters.

As the collective attention shifted to Jisung, who had been silent throughout, Miss Peregrine, displaying her usual concern, inquired, "Jisung? My dear, is everything alright?"

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