Venom Gaze

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The four vigilant guards maintained their grip on our bags as they retreated into the guardhouse, leaving us alone with the ominous twin. An uncomfortable silence persisted for about five minutes, during which the incessantly smiling twin observed us intently. To alleviate my unease, I fidgeted with the sleeves of my attire.

"Come along now, let us reveal to you the inside."

Guiding us through the entrance, the twins locked the gate behind us, and two guards took their positions as sentinels. Planning an escape route would undoubtedly prove challenging in this heavily guarded environment. Minho and I couldn't help but notice the changes within the facility after just a few weeks of our absence. Armed guards and security cameras, no longer just for aesthetics, were now ubiquitous.

The facility had also expanded, evident as the twins provided us with a guided tour. As we neared the cafeteria, the hubbub of voices became audible, and we overheard conversations among other children.

"Oh, look how time has passed. It's already lunchtime. Come, come! I want to acquaint you guys." Before anyone could voice an objection, James seized my arm, dragging me toward the entrance with a resounding crash that drew everyone's attention. Familiar faces filled the room, but the change was palpable—people scowled at me more intensely than ever before.

Quickly, the rest of our group noticed the resentment in the gazes directed at us.

"Everyone, attention, please!" No announcement was necessary; all eyes were already fixed upon us. "As you can observe, here we have some well-known faces and some not. You all know our loveliest Y/n and charming Minho. Now, why don't you all greet them back?"

"Welcome. Home. Minho. Y/n," their voices dripped with venom, monotone, and filled with disdain as they stared us down. Unintentionally, I took a step back, seeking refuge behind Hyunjin, who happened to be closest to me.

"Isn't that sweet? Now, we have three new faces here. Let me introduce them, and I want you to welcome them with open hearts. Firstly, Lee Felix." Following Arthur's cue, James pushed Felix forward, attempting to ease the tension with a broad smile. However, the response was lifeless stares as the children waved.

"Next, Hwang Hyunjin." James didn't need to intervene, as Hyunjin had already stepped forward, offering a brief and polite bow before returning to my side.

"And finally, an old comrade of ours. Without him, James and I wouldn't be here. So, I request that you approach him with kindness. Chan, Bang Chan." Chan made no effort to step forward, and James didn't push him, his lethal glare instilling terror in those who met his eyes.

Arthur signaled for the children to resume their lunch before turning back to us. "Isn't that welcoming?" Everyone nodded skeptically, avoiding eye contact.

"Why don't you kids enjoy your lunch and explore. We'll gather you after dinner to show you where you'll dream... tomorrow is going to be a lot harsher." With that, they departed, leaving us in the cafeteria with guards stationed at every door. "Shall we?"

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