Nightmares Goes

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The past two days have been an immersive blend of fun and excitement, except for the relentless nightmares that have been haunting me lately.

I haven't confided in anyone about the harrowing events during the fight, but Chan undoubtedly senses my distress. His room is conveniently located next to mine, and his heightened hearing picks up on my nocturnal screams.

Today unfolds no differently as I jolt awake, gasping for breath. The struggle with my eyesight intensifies, rendering me unable to see clearly and amplifying my fear, prompting me to break into wails and sobs.

A cascade of heavy footsteps reverberates towards my door, and a forceful slam indicates an intrusion into my room. "Hey, hey Y/n. Deep breath now. It's me, Chan. I want you to calm down and concentrate on me, please." His voice, a soothing balm, attempts to pacify me, but the haunting memories of the nightmare still grip me.

How can I calm down? The room seems to contract, and each breath becomes more laborious.

The unexpected touch of rough skin against my cheek jolts me back to reality. Chan's features become discernible, his eyes reflecting genuine concern. Both of his palms gently cup my face, directing me to focus solely on him.

"Good, good. Disregard everything and just focus on me. Nothing else is important."

Craving more solace, I instinctively cling to him, burying my face in his neck to inhale his comforting scents. His hands stroke my back, and his reassuring words have a soothing effect, alleviating the tension that has gripped me.

"T-Thirsty," I manage to utter a single word from my fragile state, and Chan promptly takes action. Cradling me like a child without any difficulty, he guides us downstairs to the kitchen, making minimal noise. As I glance at the clock on the way, I realize it's only 3 a.m.

Ten minutes later, I find myself perched on the kitchen counter, holding a glass of warm milk, observing Chan diligently cleaning a pot. Lost in my thoughts, contemplating ways to express my gratitude and apologize, I fail to notice that his task is complete, and he now stands before me.

"... Your powers have grown stronger, have you noticed?" Startled by the depth and roughness of his voice, I realize I must have disrupted his contemplations. Setting aside that inquiry for later, I respond with a puzzled expression. How could my abilities have strengthened?

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