Abilities Improving

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Two dates slipped by effortlessly, each passing day marked by the subtle passage of time after the surgery. Chan, undeterred by the damaged item in his possession, had retreated to the seclusion of his room, delving into an exhaustive study of the intricacies of the tracker. The incessant analysis kept him occupied, sparing me from the prospect of navigating another potentially intense conversation with him.


A disquieting sensation stirred within me as I awoke, an intangible premonition hinting at an impending event. The air crackled with an indescribable tension, reminiscent of the proverbial calm before a storm. Choosing to dismiss the uneasy feeling, I resolved to embrace the day as an opportunity to immerse myself in the warmth of my newfound second family and to hone my burgeoning powers.

The serenity, however, was short-lived. A day post-surgery, Jeongin initiated the training sessions. His role in this peculiar endeavor involved little more than assuming a state of rest or stillness, while I, on the other hand, unleashed my abilities upon him. The training sessions, though productive, were not without their unsettling moments—twice, Jeongin contorted in agony, rending his own body asunder. The sight, albeit frightening, was swiftly dealt with by Miss Peregrine, expertly collecting the disassembled pieces to be promptly handed over to Chan for meticulous stitching, as if the gruesome spectacle were routine.

Remarkably, Jeongin displayed an unwavering resolve, exhibiting no resistance or complaints about being relegated to the confines of Chan's room. The promise of candy, bestowed upon him since his earliest moments, seemed to outweigh any discomfort or objection.

In tandem with these training sessions, my abilities experienced a tangible evolution, their utility expanding. The growing efficacy of my powers left me with a sense of satisfaction and joy as if each successful application brought me closer to mastering the unique gift bestowed upon me.

Just as my thoughts began to drift into contemplation of grander possibilities, Felix abruptly approached with an air of urgency, his expression betraying a certain seriousness. "We are required in Miss Peregrine's office right now," he declared, setting into motion an unexpected turn of events that would inevitably draw us into the next chapter of our peculiar existence.

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