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Here we all stood, a group of individuals facing the imposing dividers that encased a place I never thought I would willingly return to.

"Is it just me, or did they significantly upgrade security around here?" Minho's observation echoed as he scanned the towering walls, though I sensed his question was directed at me. "No, you're right about that," I responded, my eyes noting security guards stationed at every corner and surveillance cameras zooming in on our faces.

"Never in my whole life would I have thought I'd be standing in front of this place willingly," Hyunjin confessed, his restlessness evident as he swallowed hard, eyes fixed on the imposing gate.

"Now, children, I can't assist you any further due to the promise made with Mr. Arthur. I'm only permitted to leave you here, and they will take charge once I depart." Miss Peregrine moved among us, embracing each one for a fleeting moment before imparting her final words.

"All I've told them is that Y/n is curious about her father's well-being and desires to change the world. They don't know anything about the rest of you snooping around. Now, I don't know what they have planned for you all, but please bear with it for a month, and I'll come and fetch you with the others."

Silence enveloped us at her words, a tacit acknowledgment of the situation we had all agreed to enter. A month. Inside.

Sigh, alright. As the car vanished from our sight, the mechanical sound of the gate opening seized everyone's attention.

All of us assumed a defensive stance upon seeing the twins approach with wicked grins and open arms. Four guards stood behind them, armed with weapons. "WELCOME, MY CHILDREN! WELCOME, AND TO MINHO AND Y/N, IT'S GOOD TO SEE YOU BACK AGAIN AT HOME."

Oh god, this wasn't going to be easy. The atmosphere shifted, tension settling in like an unwelcome guest.

 The atmosphere shifted, tension settling in like an unwelcome guest

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