Getting Closer

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Waiting patiently for him to calm down his inner psycho, I wore a small, patient smile. I found enjoyment in seeing him like this, no longer scared of him. "Now, like we had a deal, it's your turn to tell me about those powers of yours," we both made eye contact.

It was the longest eye contact we had with each other. Staring into his deep eyes made me feel something weird. While we locked eyes, Chan wore a smirk, not caring about how I was scrutinizing every feature on his face.

We needed to break the tension we had put up.

I coughed while straightening myself on the chair, "I don't know much about my capabilities, honestly. Even if I try to control it, I always end up killing someone... All I need to do is make skin contact, but I try to refrain from using them; it's a scary gift."

Chan nodded his head, understanding my predicament. Looking around the room to avoid any more prolonged eye contact with him, I let out a sigh, "... Arthur and James said something about how my powers could help them take over the world. I can see it, but I'd rather not."

I could see how Chan frowned hearing the two names—not a normal frown, but one that was having a debate with himself. He must have a history with them, but I guessed that question was for another time. I looked away as I thought about my next words to speak up, but he beat me to it, "Well, you can't fully control it if you don't embrace it."

Confusion washed over me. What did he mean by embracing it? It was my turn to frown, not understanding his logic. If I were to embrace my powers, I might accidentally start a killing spree and extinct humankind from his world.

"Our unique powers are a part of us. If it's not for them, we wouldn't be who we are right now. The more you hide them, the less you'll learn to control them and use their full potential."

Sighing, I knew he was right; hiding my powers only weakened me. But did he go deaf for a second or what? I told him I would end up killing people without ordering them to. "I'll end up annihilating someone or maybe thousands of people in the process of learning my true abilities."

Chan let out a disbelieving laugh, "You forget for a while what my powers are, love. With me around, no one will be dead."

Love? Stupid y/n, hide that blush on your face!

He caught how I quickly looked away from him, and the red hint on my cheeks and the corner of my ears. Letting out a strong chuckle before being disturbed by a knock that sounded so cowardly.

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