Singing Carol Songs

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"C-Chan, the door," I whisper-yelled at him, signaling the urgency of someone knocking. However, he disregarded the persistent sound, choosing instead to lift me further onto the hospital bed and resume his biting and kissing, now focusing on my inner thigh.

In an attempt to suppress any sounds, I bit my lips and held my mouth with one hand, while the other vainly tried to stop his actions. Despite my efforts, his strength prevailed. As my legs grew sensitive and attempted to close, Chan intensified his bites, nearly eliciting a gasp from me.

I could sense his stupid grin on me as he nestled his nose between my thighs. The situation took an unexpected turn when a voice from the other side of the door interrupted the intimate moment.

"Chan? Y/n? Get your asses down now! We waited long enough now! Don't make me bash this wooden ass door down. I would, and I mean it, Chan! Get your sickening mouth off my sister!"

I felt Chan growl against my skin, straightening his body and placing his head between my naked lap. The proximity to a sensitive area caused me to let out a hushed moan, my hands still covering my mouth.

Chan's action didn't go unnoticed, and he gave me a fast peck before searching for a large nightshirt for me and sweatpants to conceal his marks. After a quick change, Chan scowled as he unlocked the door.

On the other side stood Minho, glaring at Chan. Placing myself between them with hands on both their chests to create some distance, I pleaded, "Guys, let's not fight here or now. It's Christmas! I'll go down with Minho, and you can change, Chan."

Not waiting for a response, I dragged Minho into the living room where everyone was sitting on the floor, except for Miss Peregrine, who held hot chocolate in her palm.

"Oh, Y/N, just in time. How are you holding?" Miss Peregrine inquired, but before I could respond, I noticed everyone's gaze fixated on me. It took a moment to realize why— I forgot to wear the eye patch.

Sighing, I decided to forgo covering it; they would find out eventually. Ignoring the concerned looks, especially from Jisung and Seungmin, I returned to Miss Peregrine's question and settled on Chan's single couch.

As I did so, Chan joined us in his PJs, picking me up to sit on his lap. We both disregarded Minho's disapproving stare. "Now that everyone is here, as you can see, it's a tradition here to honor the day in our nightwear. Before the unboxing begins, let's sing some Christmas carols. Jeongin?"

Miss Peregrine's cue prompted Jeongin to stand up proudly, urging the somewhat worried Jisung and Seungmin to join him. Practicing with Jeongin at the helm, they began chanting, and others followed. Despite the majority bearing beaten-up looks—Chan, Hyunjin, Minho, and Felix—the atmosphere felt homey and comfortable.

The crackling of the fire, the soft creaks of Miss Peregrine's rocking chair, and the occasional laughter Hyunjin tried to hold created a cozy ambiance. Minho recorded the choral singing as requested by Miss Peregrine, while Chan pulled me closer, and I felt the warmth of our proximity.

Overwhelmed by the moment, a tear tumbled down my cheek—this is what I imagined Christmas would be like.

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