No God, A Maniac

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With a quick and wary turn, I faced the repercussions of the slammed door, only to find myself in the formidable presence of the man who initiated the abrupt closure. Towering over me, his blonde hair cascaded in meticulously crafted curls, and his dark eyes bore into my soul, reading my every thought like an exposed book that I couldn't conceal. The atmosphere grew thick with intimidation, marking this encounter as anything but ordinary.

It dawned on me—the man before me was none other than Bang Chan, a name whispered in hushed tones that had now materialized into an imposing figure. Regret surged within me for heedlessly intruding into his room and inspecting my surroundings like an unwelcome specter. Mental rebukes echoed for failing to trust my instincts when the first tendrils of unease curled around me.

Despite the palpable fear coursing through my body, Chan appeared nonchalant, striding casually toward his desk to retrieve scattered papers. It was as if my presence had been momentarily dismissed, rendering me momentarily invisible after catching his gaze just seconds ago.

Seeking composure, I took measured breaths, viewing this as a fleeting chance to escape. Shifting my left leg to reopen the door, luck proved elusive.

Engaging me in conversation, Chan's nonchalant demeanor starkly contrasted with the inner turmoil raging within me. Seated with legs stretched across the desk, he spared no eye contact, his focus fixed on the scattered papers—a mercy, shielding me from the embarrassment etched across my face, a chaotic medley of fear, embarrassment, and an array of exposed emotions.

Summoning courage, I stammered, "W-Well, y-you see... I... W-Was... Curious!" The feeble attempt at lying crumbled under the weight of being caught red-handed. Chan, seemingly expecting another explanation, scrutinized my body language for signs of deception.

"Curious, huh?" His gaze meandered around the room, attempting to decipher what might have captivated my interest. It rested on the glass partition revealing people in chains, and a sinister smirk crept onto his lips. "... Oh, I know. You're curious about them, aren't you?"

Rising from his seat, Chan walked toward the transparent barrier, gesturing for me to join him. As I approached with cautious steps, he handed me a remote adorned with numerous buttons, his enigmatic smile sending shivers down my spine. "Don't worry, pup. I'm not planning on hurting you... yet. Go on, press any two buttons you want."

My fingers hesitated, grappling with the ethical dilemma that lay before me. Chan's sinister smile intensified my unease. After clasping my fingers together in hesitation, I selected two buttons. A subtle click reverberated, and I witnessed a male and female being released from their chains. Initial relief was short-lived as the peculiar intensity in their gazes unfolded. Without warning, they charged at each other in a frenzied attempt to inflict harm.

Blood splattered, screams were stifled, and the orchestrated pain unfolded, controlled by a puppet master. It resembled a primal battle between predators, with Chan reveling in the brutality, his eyes ablaze with twisted excitement. Grinning maniacally, he derived pleasure from the carnage, while panic consumed me, foreboding the grim resolution looming ahead.

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