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As we stepped into the market, the atmosphere instantly transformed into a cacophony of bustling activity. The air resonated with the symphony of commotion — a harmonious blend of voices engaged in animated conversations, occasional laughter, and the heart-wrenching cries of a child, adding a poignant undertone to the lively ambiance.

Given the bustling state of the market, Miss Peregrine wisely decided against letting everyone wander off independently, minimizing the risk of anyone getting lost in the crowd. I found myself paired with Hyunjin, while Chan took charge of the youngest members. Miss Peregrine accompanied the Minsung couple, guiding them through the market for their inaugural experience, and this left Changbin and Felix to navigate the market on their own.

Each of us received a list of items to purchase along with an allocation of money. Miss Peregrine generously suggested that we could also indulge in anything we desired with the surplus funds.

Thus, I found myself navigating the crowded market with Hyunjin, our task centered on procuring groceries for the mansion's pantry.

Hyunjin, in his usual charm, attempted to haggle with an elderly vendor over the price of a loaf of bread. "Come on, man, cut us some slack. We're just teenagers," he implored. The vendor, however, remained firm, responding, "Listen, this is the lowest I've ever gone. It's either you take it or leave it." Despite his sigh of frustration, Hyunjin eventually acquiesced and purchased the bread.

"You're terrible at bargaining," I teased, attempting to start a conversation as we scanned the surroundings for our next destination. While I carried the bags of groceries, Hyunjin assumed responsibility for handling the money, a role I gladly relinquished to avoid unnecessary interactions with the town's residents.

"Oh, please. You can't even talk to them without stuttering," he retorted, playfully ribbing me and earning a playful hit in return. "Anyway, how are you holding up?" he inquired, directing our conversation toward more serious matters. Attempting to redirect my attention from a tempting display of rich cake, I met Hyunjin's gaze with a questioning expression.

"About Arthur and James. And your father, too."

"Hmm, well, I'm fine. No aches or anything. It just feels like something is fishy. Miss Peregrine mentioned that we would discuss it during tonight's dinner," I responded, and Hyunjin nodded in understanding before steering us toward the next stall in the bustling market.

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