Creepy Scary Room

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Our conversation unfolded amidst the vibrant garden, with Chan's elusive figure remaining shrouded in mystery. Felix's cryptic hints about Chan's involvement in distant experiments left an air of anticipation hanging in the atmosphere.

As the lunchtime hour approached, Felix suggested a change into more comfortable attire, prompting Minho to protest, only to be comically subdued by Seungmin and Hyunjin, who each took hold of his arms. Minho's legs flailed in the air, accompanied by colorful expressions, prompting me to instinctively cover Jeongin's ears.

A gentle pat from Jisung followed, and he, along with Changbin, followed the trio, leaving me alone with the effervescent Jeongin. With an impish grin, Jeongin seized my hand and guided me through the expansive mansion. Despite his petite stature, he displayed a surprising strength, leading me through a whimsical tour that included random trivia about pandas, his love for peaches and candy, and even musings about my red eyes. In his youthful exuberance, he expressed his desire to implant the idea of red eyes into Chan's mind one day.

Throughout our meandering journey, my gaze wandered to the captivating pictures adorning the walls. Each frame told a unique story, capturing moments from bygone eras and more recent memories.

Our excursion concluded at a door, and with an enthusiastic push from Jeongin, it swung open to reveal a modest yet cozy bedroom. The muted colors exuded comfort, a genuine sensation I hadn't felt since parting ways with my mother.

Jeongin, bubbling with pride, divulged the presence of a few girls' clothing options in the closet. Opting for a cute sundress, I arranged my wild hair into a ponytail, leaving the bangs untouched. Expressing gratitude to Jeongin, I made my way towards the kitchen, curiosity brimming within me.

Approaching a door painted in an ominous pitch black, I hesitated. The muffled sounds of machinery and unsettling screams emanating from within set an eerie ambiance. Despite the palpable discomfort, my insatiable curiosity compelled me to step into the unknown.

The room unfurled before me like a scene from a suspenseful horror movie—an expansive, seemingly abandoned hospital space. Shelves lined with jars held eyes, tongues, and other macabre specimens. A hospital bed stood ominously in the center, surrounded by arcane machinery and dimly lit by scattered lights. An office desk tucked away in the corner hinted at surveillance capabilities, likely overseeing the garden where Felix introduced us to everyone.

My gaze drifted towards cages near the entrance, housing remnants of humanity in grotesque forms. Enclosed behind a large, see-through glass were five figures clad in white lab coats, suspended and seemingly lifeless. A closer inspection revealed subtle movements and unnerving noises, challenging the initial impression of lifelessness.

The room's atmosphere grew increasingly tense, reaching its zenith with a sudden, echoing SLAM.

Chan's authoritative presence filled the room as he addressed the intrusion, emphasizing the paramount importance of manners. The disconcerting reality of the room and its captive inhabitants became impossible to ignore, casting a shadow over the otherwise enchanting mansion.

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