Breakfast Talk

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Waking up with a throbbing headache was, undoubtedly, far from the ideal start to the day. The sharp ache resonated through every pulse, making the prospect of getting out of bed seem like a Herculean task. With a tentative move, I shifted beneath the covers, my eyes adjusting to the morning light that filtered through the curtains.

The first order of business became dealing with the tumultuous storm within my stomach. A wave of nausea swept over me, prompting a hasty trip to the bathroom where I expelled the remnants of whatever had been consumed the night before. The emptiness that followed was somehow both unsettling and relieving.

In a bid to swiftly prepare for the day, I opted for casual comfort, donning a crop top paired with comfortable grey sweats. It was a choice dictated by convenience rather than fashion, as the events of the previous night had left little room for sartorial considerations.

As I rushed towards the communal dining area for breakfast, the realization dawned upon me—I was, predictably, running late. The room was already abuzz with the presence of my peculiar companions, each seated and patiently awaiting my belated entrance. Miss Peregrine, the orchestrator of our unusual family, beckoned for everyone to commence the pivotal meal of the day.

A panoramic survey of the room revealed the aftermath of the previous night's revelry. Hyunjin, still reeling from the alcohol-infused escapade, stood stiffly before dashing to the bathroom. The echoes of his discomfort resounded in the room, a testament to both the aftereffects of revelry and Chan's unconventional choice of conversation topics.

Jeongin valiantly fought off the drowsiness, struggling to keep his eyes open, while Jisung had surrendered to slumber at the table, surrounded by the remnants of untouched breakfast. The sight elicited a soundless chuckle from me, amused by the stark contrasts in their states of wakefulness.

The dynamic between Minho and Chan, ever eccentric, manifested itself in a peculiar exchange. The two engaged in banter that danced on the fine line between camaraderie and friction, punctuating the atmosphere with an odd blend of tension and amusement.

"I'm going to have to cut your skin to get to the tracker..." /  "wOw! What a magnificent way to start a conversation during BREAKFAST!"

Abruptly, Hyunjin's rapid return to the table following his visit to the bathroom drew Minho's pointed attention as he rushed back out. With a subtle gesture—a fork pointed directly at Hyunjin's vacated seat—Minho sought to convey a silent yet stern message, a visual commentary on the cause of Hyunjin's sudden exit.

Chan, seemingly unfazed, rolled his eyes at Minho's unspoken accusation as Hyunjin retook his place at the table. Without pausing for a moment, Chan continued speaking, a hint of caution now present in his tone.

"Since Jisung has gracefully bowed out of the festivities and I'm not in the mood for Minho's early morning theatrics, Y/n, be ready in my room twenty minutes after breakfast."

The directive, clear and concise, hung in the air, its implications sinking in slowly. The prospect of being alone with Chan, especially after the events of the previous night, stirred a complex array of emotions. His professional tone did little to assuage my unease, and I silently hoped that he wouldn't bring up the events that unfolded in the quiet hours of the night.

However, Chan's intentions for solitude were promptly thwarted by a resolute Miss Peregrine. The matriarch of our unconventional family, not one to let individuals wander off unsupervised, interjected with a firm decision.

"If you think I'm allowing the two of you to be locked up alone for more than a minute, think again, Mr. Bang. Felix, Seungmin, you are going with them!"

The sudden inclusion of two additional companions raised eyebrows around the table. Changbin, in particular, seemed poised to voice his protest but was promptly silenced by Miss Peregrine, who had her own agenda.

"Hey, don't drag my boyfr—"

"Actually, Changbin, I need to discuss some chores with you. So, Felix is free to join you two," she declared, cutting through Changbin's attempted interjection. Silent distress registered on Changbin's face, a realization that he had neglected his duties in the past week.

Seungmin, on the other hand, begrudgingly accepted the situation with a resigned sigh, prompted by a pointed glare from Minho. Felix, ever amiable, flashed a reassuring smile at Seungmin, silently communicating that everything would be okay.

As the tableau unfolded before me, I found myself caught in the tension between Minho and Chan. Minho's steely gaze, challenging me to remain silent, was met with a scowl from Chan, suggesting an underlying conflict that begged for resolution. The unspoken dynamics within our unusual family unit unfolded like a carefully choreographed dance, each move revealing a layer of the intricate tapestry that bound us together.

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