Memory Lane

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I let out a small giggle, making everyone sigh a small relief, as that was the signal that everything went fine. "Well, he was the second person I ever killed in my life. He shot himself in front of my mother. Blood was everywhere; she was scared at first, but a wicked smile came over her. Finally caught me in action."

This was the first time I didn't feel guilty killing someone as I spoke without shuddering. That soon turned to dullness at remembering the following day. "The next morning, people in the white protection suit came, took me away. I didn't fight much. That was the last time I ever saw her..."

"Before you get sent into the prison, they want to test your powers, and that's where you would meet Arthur and James." Chan froze hearing those names again when Jisung spoke up about us being tested, and it seems only me and Miss Peregrine knew about this since the rest didn't think much about it.

I look at Miss Peregrine, but I could tell she was telling me to just ignore it.

Giving a small glance at Chan before continuing the stories, "They forced me to use mine. A boy in his teens fought me; I made him kill himself. I ended up staying longer than normal since they fell in adoration with my abilities..." I nod my head, agreeing with every word I said as I remember back the time, "When I was taken to prison, rumors were everywhere about me. They were scared but didn't stop the taunting. I didn't have any friends... that was until Minho came in!"

My voice brightens up when I mention Minho while pointing at him, making him laugh at my childish act. "He came up to me during lunch with a cigarette hanging on his lips." Jisung rolled his eyes at this description; it was totally something Minho would do to intimidate someone.

"How old were you exactly to be smoking?" Changbin stated out the question even I had when I first met him and saw that. "Hey!! I was mentally unwell. I don't smoke all day only when I need to! There are people out there who had their first way younger than I did. Leave me alone," Laughter could be heard as Minho had his pouty lips on; even Jisung smiled while presenting him with small glances without being noticed.

"Minho and I made an oath on the same day, promising to be there for each other even in rough times. Thanks to him also, the taunting ceased, and I was able to have fun there... Thank you, Minnie."

"You saved my life countless times from getting into more trouble or killing myself. I should be the one thanking you, angel. I love you."

'Awws' left everyone's mouth but Jisung... Of course, Chan too.

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