An Invention

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His words dripped with venom, a poisonous edge cutting through the room, sending tremors through everyone present. Even James, though noticeably affected, seemed less perturbed compared to Arthur, who concealed his reaction with supreme skill. "We came to see our children who've stirred up quite a bit, but mostly to see the precious gem. Now that that's done, we're here to extend the same offer to her, hoping for acceptance this time. Well?"

As the attention shifted to me, still on my knees beside Chan's leg, occupied with cleaning the tea-soaked mess on the coffee table, Minho and Jisung exchanged questioning looks. They, like the others, were perplexed by the mention of an offer they knew nothing about. "...I'm afraid I still won't accept... I must refuse," I asserted.

"I see... Disappointed but not surprised," Arthur responded calmly, his words belying the anger pulsating beneath the surface. His temple betrayed the suppressed fury, veins popping and teeth clenched together. Abruptly, he turned his attention to James, redirecting the conversation, "James, stop that slurping and tell us about your latest design at the lab."

The collective gaze of the room shifted to James, the metaphorical tennis ball now bouncing to a new player—first Chan, then Arthur, followed by me, and now James.

"Ahem, right. Do you recall the last time we spoke, Y/n?" I nodded, my arms resting on Chan's lap. "Well, as I mentioned, I've been working on an invention that will change your mind about accepting our offer." James carefully placed his tea aside, his excitement and passion evident to everyone. "I've been developing it for the past few years. It's 76% ready to take action, and—"

"Just get to it and tell us what exactly you've made," Arthur cut in, stinging his brother's enthusiasm. However, James, not one to harbor grudges, proceeded to explain, "Aren't you curious about your father's whereabouts?" The abrupt question hung in the air, injecting a new layer of intrigue into the unfolding drama.

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