It's Starting

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The once familiar grounds had undergone a dramatic transformation, leaving the entire place turned upside down. At the heart of the courtyard, a colossal cage had been erected, its intimidating presence accentuated by visible cables adorned with thorns. As the children stepped outside, a mixture of fear and determination painted the expressions on their faces, with some trembling at the sight while others bore a resolute look.

At the center stage, James and Arthur stood, the grandeur of the cage providing them with a perfect vantage point. Arthur's booming voice echoed through a microphone as he rose from a lavish sofa, fixing his gaze upon each child, relishing in the terror reflected in their eyes. Meanwhile, Y/n couldn't help but notice two guards positioned behind a massive board near James.

"WELCOME, MY CHILDREN! IT IS TIME TO MAINTAIN OUR TRADITIONS," Arthur roared, setting the tone for the impending spectacle. A sense of dread loomed in the air, yet the announcement seemed to excite the crowd.

Y/n's attention was drawn to the large board, revealing the names of the groups slated to participate. Felix and Y/n's eyes widened as they spotted their group name, Stray Kids, indicating that they were the first to compete.

"FOR THOSE WHO ARE NEW HERE, WELCOME. NOTHING TO FEAR, JUST A TINY COMPETITION FOR FUN. MOVE ASIDE!" Arthur declared, attempting to ease the tension among the children. As a guard stepped aside, revealing the board, Felix and Y/n saw the name Stray Kids in bold letters, garnering a mixed reaction from the crowd.

"FOR THOSE WHO ARE QUESTIONING WHAT THIS GROUP STRAY KIDS IS, IT IS OUR NEWLY BELOVED COMPANY WHO HAS RETURNED TO US." The children in the cage received a hostile reception, met with glares and boos, yet they maintained composure, refusing to give the crowd the satisfaction of a reaction.

"NOW, REMEMBER THE RULES. LEADERS, PLEASE COME UP HERE TO SHAKE HANDS, WHILE THE REST MAY JOIN IN THE CAGE." Two guards approached, signaling for the leaders to approach the stage. An unspoken agreement led everyone to decide that Chan should step forward. He cast a quick glance toward Y/n before being ushered away.

As the groups were locked inside the cage, the electronic fences swiftly activated, sealing their fate within the confined battleground.

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