Caught In Action

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He pivoted around to face me, revealing his exposed body and the well-defined abs that I had just traced. The sight made me blush involuntarily as my eyes scanned him from top to bottom before finally locking onto his gaze.

Drying his hands free from the blood, he seemed to relish my reaction. "Now that I think about it, I don't object. Please do continue," he remarked, a smirk playing on his lips. I raised an eyebrow from where I stood, contemplating whether he was serious. Remembering his earlier words, I averted my gaze, my cheeks flushing. He noticed my reaction and added, "I'll try to keep it in my pants, even if that's a tough job."

His confident smirk had the power to disarm me every time. In his presence, an unexpected surge of over-the-top confidence seemed to emanate, leaving me unsure if it was a good or bad thing. Straightening up, I took a step closer until I stood right in front of him, our chests touching.

The proximity allowed me to feel his breath near my neck as he leaned down, drawing us even closer. My hands played with his unbuckled belt, eliciting a groan from him. I deliberately took my time, the sound of the leather belt filling the room as he maintained unbroken eye contact with my flushed eyes.

At this moment, I felt a sense of dominance, and he willingly surrendered to it. Leaning against the bed for support, he pulled me closer, burying his face in my neck to inhale my scent. Meanwhile, my hands continued to work on his belt, slowly pulling it out and letting it drop to the floor with a loud noise. I couldn't help but maintain a teasing grin as he peppered butterfly kisses on my bare skin.

The sensations were both soft and lustful, especially when he let his fangs graze against my skin, leaving a red trail mark from their sharpness. Chan emitted a low growl, expressing his desire to bite down and escalate the situation. However, I chose not to succumb to the temptation, drawing out the anticipation.

Interrupting the intimate moment, a discreet "Ahem!" suddenly pierced the air, bringing us back to reality.

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