Never Had One

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He finally raised his gaze from the bowl of tomato soup, and a melancholic expression clouded his eyes. The weight of guilt and sadness seemed to burden him as he addressed the others, "Ah, n-nothing, actually... Just that it has been so long since I celebrated such a happy occasion."

His frown deepened as he ruminated on the whereabouts of Minho and Y/n. "I doubt Minho even celebrates the day, considering he was born in that place, and Y/n..." Jisung sighed, absentmindedly playing with his food, "... acknowledging how inexperienced she is and how her mother manages her... I don't think she even knows what Christmas is."

The dull and somber spirit returned, and a soft sound of sniffling could be heard from Jeongin, who struggled to hold back tears. Christmas, one of his favorite holidays, now felt marred by the heartbreaking revelation.

Seungmin, avoiding eye contact, grappled with how to comfort his struggling friend, who was attempting to force an "I'm fine" smile.

Miss Peregrine offered a gentle pat on Jisung's back, while Changbin sighed audibly at the prevailing atmosphere. It was clear that lifting the younger ones' spirits was an achievable task, but returning them to a state of cheerfulness proved even more challenging.

In an assertive move, Changbin rose from his seat, recognizing the need for confidence and discipline to restore the house to its normal state. Although the youngest trio could easily surpass him in height, they paid attention as Changbin stood tall and firm.

With determination, Changbin declared, "Then we will hold the greatest Christmas party they've ever seen! Stop that weeping, Jeongin! Just visualize the look on their faces when they return home! They will be delighted, Jisung, but this gloomy atmosphere will do no good! So stop the foolish sadness and get to work! Chop Chop, people!!"

The three boys stood up and saluted like soldiers before their captain, adopting great posture and stern expressions, "Aye Aye, Captain!!" before promptly leaving their places and heading to the basement to retrieve decorations.

Miss Peregrine couldn't help but smirk at Changbin's leadership. She commended, "If Felix were here, he would be so proud of you, Changbin." With that, she left the table, leaving Changbin alone in the dining room.

Once alone, Changbin slumped into his seat, his worry palpable. He rubbed his temples, attempting to dispel the negative thoughts that clouded his mind. The 'What ifs' haunted him, and he despised the uncertainty.

"Come back home by Christmas safe and sound, not even a scratch," he whispered softly, careful not to disturb the house from his genuine concern. Hoping his heartfelt wish reached and resonated with his absent friends, he sighed, "We all need them, and I miss them... Felix...."

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